Academic and creative materials of the New Bauhaus also known as the American School of Design, School of Design, and the Institute of Design, ca. 1937 to ca. 1955. Includes academic catalogues, class and school activities announcements, biographical materials on faculty and students. Also examples of artistic works, exhibit catalogues and announcements of student and alumni professional activities. Also essays, speeches, periodical articles, newsclippings by and about the school and its members. Some materials concern specific courses, e.g. Camouflage Course, Rehabilitation and Occupational Therapy, Summer Art Camp and Junior Workshop. Exhibit materials include catalogues from Maremont Collection, Fernand Leger, and Moholy-Nagy exhibits. Minor amounts of individual student's and students' group projects class work. Photograph series (ca. 1500 - 2000 photographs total) include 15 volumes of 4½x6" black and white images depicting completed class projects (arranged by class or medium), classroom and studio settings, and exhibitions. Another series of 8x10" photographs depict student designs and inventions, product designs; school buildings and faculty and additional exhibit installations, such as the Gebonden Kunsten federatie (GKf) graphic arts exhibit of 1954, social documentary and industrial design exhibits, and others.
- Creation: 1937-1962
Language of Materials
Records are in English.
Conditions Governing Access
Available for research.
Collection Size
From the Collection: 12 series (34 boxes)
Includes photograph of Beatrice Takeuchi. Per Beatrice Takeuchi to Catherine Bruck, IIT University Archivist, Feb. 2004: "By the way Hattula sent me a print of the photo of me that you described. I remember the occasion. Moholy had made a contraption: a plywood board with a cut-out hole through which he hand held a rubber air hose attached to a tank of compressed air. He would direct the air hose under objects which would be suspended or dancing in the air with " no visible means of support", thus a new kind of sculpture. The compressed air tank had valves which could vary the amount and strength of the air jet. In the photo, I was trying to reproduce the effect, as we all did in turns. It was fun!"
- From the Collection: Illinois Institute of Technology. Institute of Design (Organization)
- Institute of Design sculpture class, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, Illinois, ca. 1956-1969
- Institute of Design student Elisha Huston sculpting, Chicago, Illinois, ca. 1945-1949
- Jack Waldheim working on a woodcut with a circular saw, Chicago School of Design/Institute of Design, Chicago, Illinois, ca. early 1940s
- Institute of Design student Stanley Peters working in the wood workshop, Chicago, Illinois, ca. 1945-1949
Part of the Paul V. Galvin Library. University Archives and Special Collections Repository