Showing Collections: 41 - 50 of 1236
Alumni associations and clubs, 1930-1983
Materials produced by or for Alumni Associations and Clubs for Illinois Intsitute of Technology Alumni.
Alumni Awards collection, 2001-2019
Alumni directory collection, 1980-2001
Alumni E-news collection, 2005-2006
Electronic newsletter, Alumni Enews, issued by the Illinois Institute of Technology Alumni Relations office and sent to alumni via email. The collection is comprised of hardcopy format of the newsletter printed for the email document.
Alumni events collection, 1948-2008
Materials related to events of Illinois Institute of Technology alumni on campus and at regional alumni associations, organized by IIT and by local alumni clubs. The events include outings, lectures, seminars, and other social events.
Alumni job placement statistics,1997-1998
Two documents listing companies at which Illinois Institute of Technology alumni were employed and the number of alumni at each company, published December 1997 and September 1998 for internal use.
Alumni Memorial Hall blueprints, 1945
Three pages of blueprints (27 x 41") for the Navy Building (later, Alumni Memorial Hall) by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe and Holabird & Root. Drawings are identified as First Floor Framing, drawing S2; 2nd Floor Framing, S3; and Roof Framing Plan, S4. All are dated 5/17/1945 and are identified as revisions of commission number 7774.
Alumni reunion collection, 1948-
Materials related to alumni reunions and events hosted by Illinois Institute of Technology, including printed materials and photographs. Beginning in 1997, the annual event was titled AlumiFest.
Alumni Survey collection, 1994
Materials concerning a 1994 survey of Illinois Institute of Technology alumni researching their attitudes about IIT and about the (then current) alumni magazine, Catalyst. Materials include an executive summary.
Alumnifest and Homecoming collection, 2004-2008
Invites, schedules and other materials produced for the annual "Alumnifest" reunion and homecoming weekend. Materials for Alumnifest 2004-2008 are organized by year, and 2005 Alumnifest materials include a "Memory Book" with alumni bios.