Showing Collections: 1 - 5 of 5
Armour Institute fraternity paddles, 1921
Two fraternity paddles from Armour Institute of Technology chapters of Eta Kappa Nu and Tau Beta Pi. One reads "EKN/E. B. Mueser" (15" x 5"). The other reads "E. B. Mueser"/Dec. 3, 1921" on one side and TBP (in reverse) on the other (15" x 5"). See attached photo.
Lois Bey collection, 1950
Items owned by Lois Bey, who earned a chemical engineering degree from the Illinois Institute of Technology in 1950. The items include a class ring from Bey's June 9, 1950 graduation, Bey's Tau Beta Pi pin, and a program from IIT's May 8, 1950 Honor's Assembly, at which Bey was presented the "Womens Award" by Tau Beta Pi.
Raymond M. Brach papers, 1956-1958
Papers of Raymond M. Brach, who received his Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering from IIT in 1958. The papers include a Pi Tau Sigma membership certificate for 1956, a Tau Beta Pi membership for 1957, a letter from Brach to Teletype Corporation dated March 7, 1957, two black and white photographs, two color photographs of unidentified individuals, possibly taken at the Teletype Corporation offices.
Robert Negele collection, 1943-1945
Miscellaneous printed materials relating to fraternities, jazz and golf collected by Robert Negele when he was a student at Illinois Institute of Technology in the mid-1940s. The collection also includes a commencement program and booklet about IIT's honor system.
- See photo in "Artifacts" drop file
Tau Beta Pi collection, 1952-1954
Materials related to and produced by Tau Beta Pi, the Engineering Fraternity. Contains: sheet music for "Tau Beta Pi, To You", booklet "Beginnings of Tau Beta Pi" by Edwin S Stackhouse, 1952; booklet about graduate studies of engineering at IIT, binder of pledge essays, 1952- 1953.