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Showing Collections: 21 - 30 of 100

Campus photographic slides, 1954-1973

Identifier: 039.01.60
Description of the Collection

35 mm slides (most in color) of various Illinois Institute of Technology (Chicago) activities, ca. 1954–ca. 1973. Includes shots of faculty and students in classrooms and laboratories, campus buildings (including interiors), campus grounds, campus activities (limited in number), and academic programs.

See spreadsheet listed in External Documents for slide index.

Dates: 1954-1973

Campus Space Inventory collection, 1968

Identifier: 037.02.53

This collection is unprocessed. If you would like to request that a detailed inventory of this collection be made available, please contact the IIT Archives.

Dates: 1968

Celebrating 50 Years: S. R. Crown Hall, 1956-2006

Identifier: 037.07.04
Description of the Collection

Celebrating 50 Years: S.R. Crown Hall, 1956-2006, is a CD containing a pdf of photographs and texts documenting the planning, construction, and uses of S.R. Crown Hall.

Dates: 2006

Charles Farrell papers, 1994-2003

Identifier: 037.08.18
Description of the Collection

This collection is comprised of materials related to McCormick Tribune Campus Center. The items are primarily related to space use and opening events. It includes floor-plan drawings (2000-2003), Hermann Union Building (also known as Hermann Hall) (1994), and Commons building (2002), all on the campus of Illinois Institute of Technology.

Dates: 1994-2003

Crispin Hales papers, 1963-1989

Identifier: 031.07.11
Description of the Collection The collection contains material related to IIT Research Institute, including manuscripts collected and generated by Dr. Crispin Hales from his time of employment as a materials engineer at the IIT Research Institute. The collection also includes two reels of 8mm motion picture film: 1) “Phase IV high-pressure, high-temperature erosion-corrosion reactor, September 1978;” 2) “Refractory Test System for testing refractory bricks under simulated slagging coal gasifier conditions, 1979."...
Dates: 1963-1989; Majority of material found within 1976-1989

C.V. Smith photographs, circa 1900-1929

Identifier: 002.07.01
Description of the Collection

Collection consists mainly of with B&W photos of Armour Institute buildings. It also includes two photos groups of men.

Dates: ca. 1900-1929

Dan Ryan collection, 1954-1980

Identifier: 036.04.07
Description of the Collection

35 mm color and B&W slides of academic and campus development programs at Illinois Institute of Technology. Each title includes multiple slides. Titles were copied from the original containers.

Dates: 1954-1980

Dan Ryan collection, ca. 1891-1989

Identifier: 036.04.06

Slides of images depicting the history of Illinois Institute of Technology. The slides were possibly arranged for the purposes of a slide show. Some images were reproduced from historic sources such as yearbooks. The most recent images are dated 1988-1989.

Dates: 1891-1989; Majority of material found within 1988-1989

Design and Construction Department reports, 2005-2007

Identifier: 029.03.08
Description of the Collection

Printed copies of a weekly electronic report distributed by the IIT Facilities office showing a combined project list/status report for construction projects on the campus of Illinois Institute of Technology. Reports identify the in-house project manager, architect, contractor, and budget figures. Note that this collection does not include every weekly report. Reports were no longer distributed after June 11, 2007.

Dates: 2005-2007

East Map Case Materials collection, 1892-1988

Identifier: 037.02.27
Content Description

This collection includes drawings, plans, blueprints, and other materials stored in the East Map Case. These materials are not all from the same source, nor are they a coherent collection by any factor other than that they are all stored together. See folder listings for an inventory of the items in this collection.

Dates: 1892-1988

Filtered By

  • Language: English X
  • Subject: College buildings X

Filter Results

Additional filters:

College buildings 68
Architectural drawings (visual works) 19
College buildings--Planning 18
Campus planning 17
Bronzeville (Chicago, Ill.) 12
∨ more
College buildings--Design and construction 12
College campuses 12
College buildings -- Illinois -- Chicago 9
Architecture--Designs and plans 8
Landscape architecture 8
Dormitories 7
Audio-visual materials 6
Fund raising 6
Universities and colleges--Faculty 6
Serial publications 5
Real estate development 4
College facilities 3
College students--Political activity 3
Commencement ceremonies 3
Fraternal organizations 3
Letting of contracts 3
Minutes (Records) 3
Photographs 3
Architecture 2
Awards 2
Blueprints 2
Church architecture 2
College campuses -- Illinois -- Chicago 2
Correspondence 2
Crystal Lake (Ill.) 2
Design 2
Fire protection engineering 2
Historic buildings 2
Illinois Institute of Technology -- Students 2
Motion pictures 2
Natural landscaping 2
Real property--Maps 2
Speeches, addresses, etc., American 2
Universities and colleges--Alumni and alumnae 2
Video recordings 2
Academic libraries 1
Aerial photographs 1
African American college students 1
Alumni Memorial Hall (Chicago, Ill.) 1
Anniversaries 1
Apartments 1
Architectural models 1
Architecture -- Competitions 1
Armed Forces--Equipment 1
Baseball 1
Branding (Marketing) 1
Building materials 1
Campus planning -- Illinois -- Chicago 1
Class reunions 1
Clippings (information artifacts) 1
Cogeneration of electric power and heat 1
College presidents--Inauguration 1
College students 1
College students--Recruiting 1
College trustees 1
Competitions 1
Computer programs 1
Computer-aided design 1
Congresses and conventions 1
Design and construction 1
Disabled veterans--Rehabilitation 1
Engineering--Research 1
Exelon Tube 1
Financial statements 1
Greek letter societies 1
Guidebooks 1
Historic districts 1
Historic sites 1
Historic sites -- Illinois -- Chicago 1
Home economics--Study and teaching 1
Illinois Institute of Technology -- Administration 1
Illinois Institute of Technology -- Alumni and alumnae 1
Illinois Institute of Technology -- Faculty 1
Illinois Institute of Technology -- History 1
Illinois Institute of Technology -- Sports 1
Illinois Institute of Technology. Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps 1
Interior architecture 1
Interior decoration 1
Internet 1
Labor unions 1
Laboratories 1
Lectures and lecturing 1
Maps 1
Materials 1
Minorities--Education (Higher) 1
Minority college students 1
Musicians 1
Newsletters 1
Oral histories 1
Press releases 1
Programs (Publications) 1
Public housing 1
Radio broadcasting--United States--History 1
Railroads, Elevated 1
Satire 1
∧ less
Illinois Institute of Technology 30
McCormick Tribune Campus Center (Chicago, Ill.) 16
Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig, 1886-1969 12
S. R. Crown Hall (Chicago, Ill.) 12
Lohan, Dirk 8
∨ more
Alumni Memorial Hall (Chicago, Ill.) 7
Armour Research Foundation (U.S.) 7
Hermann Hall (Chicago, Ill.) 7
Armour Institute of Technology 6
Koolhaas, Rem 6
Perlstein Hall (Chicago, Ill.) 6
State Street Village (Chicago, Ill.) 6
Commons Building (Chicago, Ill. : South Wabash Avenue) 5
Fowler Hall (Chicago, Ill.) 5
Illinois Institute of Technology. Office of Facilities Management 5
Wishnick Hall (Chicago, Ill.) 5
IIT Research Institute 4
Illinois Institute of Technology. Board of Trustees 4
Illinois Institute of Technology. Institute of Design 4
Illinois Institute of Technology. Institute of Gas Technology 4
Illinois Institute of Technology. Mies van der Rohe Society 4
Illinois Institute of Technology. Office of Public Relations 4
Illinois Intsitute of Technology. Robert F. Carr Memorial Chapel 4
Richard H. Driehaus Foundation International Design Competition 4
Schaudt, Peter Lindsay 4
University Technology Park at Illinois Institute of Technology (Chicago, Ill.) 4
Alschuler, Alfred S. (Alfred Samuel), 1876-1940 3
Armour Mission (Chicago, Ill.) 3
Camp Armour (Wis.) 3
Carman Hall (Chicago, Ill.) 3
Chapin Hall (South Federal Street : Chicago, Ill.) 3
Collens, Lewis M. 3
George J. Kacek Hall (Chicago, Ill.) 3
Gunsaulus Hall (Chicago, Ill.) 3
Illinois Institute of Technology. Daniel F. and Ada L. Rice Campus 3
Jahn, Helmut, 1940- 3
Lewis Institute (Chicago, Ill.) 3
Main Building (Chicago, Ill. : South Federal Street) 3
Materials and Metals Building (Chicago, Ill.) 3
Paul V. Galvin Library 3
Armour, Philip D. (Philip Danforth), 1832-1901 2
Arthur Keating Hall (Chicago, Ill.) 2
Bronzeville (Chicago, Ill.) 2
Caldwell, Alfred, 1903-1998 2
Chicago-Kent College of Law 2
Farr Hall (Chicago, Ill.) 2
Hoerr Schaudt Landscape Architects (Chicago, Ill.) 2
Illinois Institute of Technology. College of Architecture 2
Illinois Institute of Technology. Office of Communications and Marketing 2
Illinois Institute of Technology. Office of Marketing and Communications 2
John Crerar Library 2
Lewis Institute 2
Navy V-12 Program (U.S.) 2
Parduhn, Walter J. 2
Perkins & Will 2
Rettaliata, John T., Dr. 2
Robert A. Pritzker Science Center (Chicago, Ill.) 2
Seigel Hall (Chicago, Ill.) 2
Skidmore, Owings & Merrill 2
Spaeth, Raymond J. 2
Stamets, John 2
Thomas R. Brown Hall (Chicago, Ill.) 2
2x4 (Design studio) 1
Achilles, Rolf 1
American Power Conference 1
Anderson, Harvey E. 1
Armour College of Engineering 1
Armour Flats (Chicago, Ill.) 1
Armour, J. Ogden (Jonathan Ogden), 1863-1927 1
Barnes, Richard 1
Bretz, Harold, Mr. 1
Brophy, James John, 1926- 1
Cable, Theodore 1
Camras, Marvin 1
Chicago Housing Authority 1
Chicago Transit Authority 1
Cobb, Henry Ives, Jr., 1883-1974 1
Dawson, Mary 1
Deakins, Clarence 1
Doblin, Jay 1
Ed Kaplan Family Institute For Innovation and Tech Entrepreneurship 1
Emanuel, Rahm, 1959- 1
Farrell, Charles 1
Force, Gilbert 1
Galvin, Robert W. 1
Gilbane Building Company 1
Graham, Lois, 1925-2013 1
Greenwald, Bennett 1
Greenwald, Herbert S., 1915-1959 1
Grimes, John, Mr. 1
Grubiak, Margaret M. 1
Gunsaulus, Frank W. (Frank Wakeley), 1856-1921 1
Guralnick, Sidney A. 1
Hales, Crispin, 1945- 1
Hayakawa, S. I. (Samuel Ichiyé), 1906-1992 1
Heald, Henry T. (Henry Townley), 1904-1975 1
IIT Research Institute Chemistry Research Building (Chicago, Ill.) 1
IIT Technology Business Center (Chicago, Ill.) 1
Illinois Historic Preservation Agency 1
Illinois Institute of Technology. Campus Architectural and Recognition Review Committee 1
∧ less

Paul V. Galvin Library

35 West 33rd Street | Chicago, IL | 60616