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Showing Collections: 21 - 30 of 45

Inter-Honorary Council, 1949-1954

Identifier: 027.07.02
Description of the Collection

Programs from the The Honors Assembly presented by the Interhonorary Council, inducting new members into university honors societies: Arnold Air Society, Chi Epsilon, Eta Kappa Nu, Honor I, Phi Eta Sigma, Phi Lambda Upsilon. From 1949, 1952, 1954.

Dates: 1949-1954; Majority of material found in 1949- 1954

International Admissions collection, 1980-1997

Identifier: 025.02.01
Description of the Collection

Assorted admissions materials specifically produced for international applicants, including information about travel to chicago, international application requirements, and visa requirements.

Dates: 1980-1997

Invoke collection, 2003

Identifier: 027.10.08
Description of the Collection

2003 Spring issue of Invoke, a 20-page student-produced publication "exclusively meant to showcase the creativity of the students here at Illinois Institute of Technology." Contains reproductions (in color) of art works, architectural drawings, poems, and essays. May be the only issue published.

Dates: 2003

John Rowe video, 2011

Identifier: 023.01.01
Description of the Collection

Video titled "Student Discussion with IIT Trustee Chair and Exelon CEO John Rowe, Tuesday, April 19, 2011, HUB Auditorium."

Dates: 2011

Julia Beveridge Award program collection, 1991-2010

Identifier: 011.05.03
Description of the Collection

Materials related to the Julia Beveridge Award program, which was held annually during March at Illinois Institute of Technology to recognize women's achievements at IIT.

Dates: 1991-2010

Listenings collection, 1956-1963

Identifier: 027.10.06
Description of the Collection Listenings was a serial publication of Illinois Institute of Technology described as a student magazine published annually or semiannually, an outlet for student expression, and a creative writing publication.Register if issues May 1956 (vol. 1, no. 1) 2 copies, 1 copy in bound volume December 1956 (vol. 2, no. 1) 2 copies, 1 copy in bound volume May 1957 (vol. 2, no. 2) 3 copies, 1 copy in...
Dates: 1956-1963

Melvin T. Tracht papers, 1951-1980

Identifier: 030.04.03
Description of the Collection Appears to be the papers of Melvin T. Tracht in his role as Chief Financial Officer of Illinois Institute of Technology (Chicago). Bulks with budget materials, much of which is probably duplicated in multiple folders. The folders "Nursing Homes" and "Research Park" files in box 2 concern campus development issues. See folder listing below for other topics. Folder titles: Box 1 (removed from drawer 1) Admissions Tax Continental Illinois National Bank/Chicago-Kent Crystal Lake Property Crystal...
Dates: 1951-1980; Majority of material found within 1963-1980

Minorities in Engineering collection, 1979-1980

Identifier: 011.03.05
Description of the Collection

Materials related to the Minorities in Engineering. Contains: Minorities in Engineering Programs, Second Annual Report, 1976 (2 copies); Minorities in Engineering Program, 1980 Report; informational booklet for High School Students, n.d. (2 copies)

Dates: 1979-1980

Miscellaneous Historical Files collection, 1945-1972

Identifier: 039.01.62
Description of the Collection

Miscellaneous materials found in IIT Archives. Their original creator/compiler is unknown and the materials may not all be from the same source. Some may be from the offices of Preseidents Heald and Rettaliata. Others materials appear to have come from the university's public relations office. Some folder titles were found on the folders and others were supplied or supplemented by the processor.

Dates: 1945 -1972

Office of Alumni Relations collection, 1888-2007

Identifier: 032.01.12
Description of the Collection Unprocessed materials received from the Office of Alumni Relations temporarily arranged into 7 series. Some 35 mm slides were processed Oct. 30, 2003 as noted below. The balance of the collection remains unprocessed. 35 mm slides processed Oct. 30, 2003: two sets of slides (found in carousels) labeled "College Bowl." One set is apparently of the CBS Radio Network college bowl program held in (Oct.?) 1981. Images are of studio shots apparently before, during, and after the broadcast. The...
Dates: 1888-2007

Filtered By

  • Language: English X
  • Subject: College students X
  • Subject: College students X
  • Name: Illinois Institute of Technology X

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Additional filters:

College students 22
College students--Recruiting 17
Student activities 7
Brochures 4
School enrollment 4
∨ more
Serial publications 4
Social life and customs 4
African American college students 3
Universities and colleges--Graduate work 3
Awards 2
College student orientation 2
College students--Political activity 2
Scholarships 2
Scholarships, fellowships, etc 2
Societies and clubs -- Illinois -- Chicago 2
Statistics 2
Student publications 2
Students, Foreign 2
Universities and colleges--Alumni and alumnae 2
Women college students 2
Academic decorations of honor 1
Athletics 1
Audio-visual materials 1
Biomedical engineers 1
Campus planning 1
Class reunions 1
College buildings 1
College buildings--Planning 1
College campuses 1
College freshmen 1
College sports 1
College student records 1
College students -- Illinois -- Chicago 1
Crystal Lake (Ill.) 1
Devices (Heraldry) 1
Education (Graduate) 1
Engineering--Research 1
Evening and continuation schools 1
Fire protection engineering 1
Football--Tournaments 1
Fund raising 1
High schools 1
Hispanic American college students 1
Illinois Institute of Technology -- Faculty 1
Illinois Institute of Technology -- Professional staff 1
Illinois Institute of Technology -- Tuition 1
Labor unions 1
Maps 1
Medical care 1
Minorities--Education (Higher) 1
Minority college students 1
Newsletters 1
Nontraditional college students 1
Research 1
Science--Scholarships, fellowships, etc 1
Speeches, addresses, etc., American 1
Student unions 1
Surveys 1
Universities and colleges--Accreditation 1
Universities and colleges--Curricula 1
Universities and colleges--Societies, etc. 1
Women 1
Women engineering students 1
Women science students 1
Women--Education (Higher) 1
World War, 1939-1945 1
∧ less
Illinois Institute of Technology. Office of Marketing and Communications 3
Illinois Institute of Technology. Office of the Provost 3
Armour Institute of Technology 1
Beveridge, Julia 1
Bonthron, Robert 1

Paul V. Galvin Library

35 West 33rd Street | Chicago, IL | 60616