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Showing Collections: 41 - 45 of 45

Student Orientation publications, 1957-2007

Identifier: 027.01.01
Description of the Collection

Guides published for new student Orientation week with schedule of events, general information, and maps. Containing the following folders: 1) 1957- 1959 (Fall and Spring) 2) 1960- 1961 (Fall and Spring) 3) 1962- 1965 (Fall and Spring) 4) 1966- 1970 (Fall only) 5) 1972- 1974 6) 1978 7) 1989 8) 1990-1993 9) 1999-2001 10) 2002 11) 2004 12) 2006-2007

Dates: 1957-2007

Technette activities handbooks, 1940-1949

Identifier: 027.02.05
Description of the Collection

Four editions: September, 1940; September, 1942; July, 1945; October, 1949 (4 copies)

Dates: 1940-1949

Technorama/ Junior Week Open Houses, 1947-1984

Identifier: 027.01.03
Description of the Collection

Guides and schedules for Technorama/Junior Week open houses: "Junior Week, 1947"; "Junior Week" 1948; "Junior Week" 1951 typed event schedule, 1956; "Technorama" 1954; "Technorama" 1955; "Technorama" 1956; "Technorama," 1957

Dates: 1947-1984

Viewbooks and Student Recruitment Materials collection, 1943-2006

Identifier: 026.01.11
Description of the Collection

This collection consists of viewbooks, flyers, posters, and other student recruitment materials created to promote undergraduate programs at Illinois Institute of Technology. The collection is limited to materials that addressed all or multiple academic divisions. Materials directed to a specific program (e.g., electrical engineering) or school (e.g., College of Architecture) will be found in collections specific to the respective campus unit.

Dates: 1943-2006; Majority of material found within 1973-2006

Women's Network publications, 1975-2001

Identifier: 027.02.09
Description of the Collection Materials produced by the Women's Club, Women's Network, Women's Center, and similar student groups. Contains the following folders: 1) Women's Club/ Women's Network flyer: brochure for Women's Writer Conference; flyer for IIT Art Fair hosted by the Women's Club, 1975; emails concerning the Women's Club mentoring program, 1997- 2000. 2) Women's Center: brochure for Women's Outreach and Resource Center, invites for Women Center's dinners, 1999-2000, emails about Women's Center activities,...
Dates: 1975-2001

Filtered By

  • Language: English X
  • Subject: College students X
  • Subject: College students X
  • Name: Illinois Institute of Technology X

Filter Results

Additional filters:

College students 22
College students--Recruiting 17
Student activities 7
Brochures 4
School enrollment 4
∨ more
Serial publications 4
Social life and customs 4
African American college students 3
Universities and colleges--Graduate work 3
Awards 2
College student orientation 2
College students--Political activity 2
Scholarships 2
Scholarships, fellowships, etc 2
Societies and clubs -- Illinois -- Chicago 2
Statistics 2
Student publications 2
Students, Foreign 2
Universities and colleges--Alumni and alumnae 2
Women college students 2
Academic decorations of honor 1
Athletics 1
Audio-visual materials 1
Biomedical engineers 1
Campus planning 1
Class reunions 1
College buildings 1
College buildings--Planning 1
College campuses 1
College freshmen 1
College sports 1
College student records 1
College students -- Illinois -- Chicago 1
Crystal Lake (Ill.) 1
Devices (Heraldry) 1
Education (Graduate) 1
Engineering--Research 1
Evening and continuation schools 1
Fire protection engineering 1
Football--Tournaments 1
Fund raising 1
High schools 1
Hispanic American college students 1
Illinois Institute of Technology -- Faculty 1
Illinois Institute of Technology -- Professional staff 1
Illinois Institute of Technology -- Tuition 1
Labor unions 1
Maps 1
Medical care 1
Minorities--Education (Higher) 1
Minority college students 1
Newsletters 1
Nontraditional college students 1
Research 1
Science--Scholarships, fellowships, etc 1
Speeches, addresses, etc., American 1
Student unions 1
Surveys 1
Universities and colleges--Accreditation 1
Universities and colleges--Curricula 1
Universities and colleges--Societies, etc. 1
Women 1
Women engineering students 1
Women science students 1
Women--Education (Higher) 1
World War, 1939-1945 1
∧ less
Illinois Institute of Technology. Office of Marketing and Communications 3
Illinois Institute of Technology. Office of the Provost 3
Armour Institute of Technology 1
Beveridge, Julia 1
Bonthron, Robert 1

Paul V. Galvin Library

35 West 33rd Street | Chicago, IL | 60616