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Building Reference files, 1896-2013

Identifier: 037.06.01
Scope and Contents The Building Reference Files collection consists of a mix of primary and secondary source material relating to the buildings and campuses of the Illinois Institute of Technology and its predecessor institutions. These files formerly served as "drop files" where archives staff collected clippings, ephemera, and photographs related to the buildings and campus, and as a result, many of the files consist wholly of secondary material (including photocopies and clippings from university...
Dates: 1895-2013

Buildings and Grounds records, 1938-1967

Identifier: 029.03.10
Description of the Collection Bulks with 1960s specimen and cancelled bonds, some showing payment schedules, for dormitories and student union constructions. Also gymnasium document showing bid comparison figures. Real estate acreage schedule. Unidentified drawing (of parking lot?). State St. campus site plan (1949) showing buildings "pending demolition"; and one later date plan. Materials unrelated to State Street campus include cancelled note and trust deed on 7 parcels of land at 3130 - 3256 S. Michigan. Photostat...
Dates: 1938-1967; 1966

Filtered By

  • Name: Illinois Institute of Technology X
  • Name: Arthur Keating Hall (Chicago, Ill.) X
  • Subject: College buildings X

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Architectural drawings (visual works) 1
Architecture 1
Architecture--Designs and plans 1
Bronzeville (Chicago, Ill.) 1
Campus planning 1

Paul V. Galvin Library

35 West 33rd Street | Chicago, IL | 60616