Showing Collections: 1 - 7 of 7
Inter-Honorary Council, 1949-1954
Programs from the The Honors Assembly presented by the Interhonorary Council, inducting new members into university honors societies: Arnold Air Society, Chi Epsilon, Eta Kappa Nu, Honor I, Phi Eta Sigma, Phi Lambda Upsilon. From 1949, 1952, 1954.
Spring Thing festival collection, 1970-1978
Materials related to the Spring Thing celebration, tricycle race, concert. Contains Brochure for Spring Thing, 1978; rules for the "1st Annual International Intercollegiate Tricycle Race" 1970
Student Orientation publications, 1957-2007
Guides published for new student Orientation week with schedule of events, general information, and maps. Containing the following folders: 1) 1957- 1959 (Fall and Spring) 2) 1960- 1961 (Fall and Spring) 3) 1962- 1965 (Fall and Spring) 4) 1966- 1970 (Fall only) 5) 1972- 1974 6) 1978 7) 1989 8) 1990-1993 9) 1999-2001 10) 2002 11) 2004 12) 2006-2007
Technette activities handbooks, 1940-1949
Four editions: September, 1940; September, 1942; July, 1945; October, 1949 (4 copies)
Technorama/ Junior Week Open Houses, 1947-1984
Guides and schedules for Technorama/Junior Week open houses: "Junior Week, 1947"; "Junior Week" 1948; "Junior Week" 1951 typed event schedule, 1956; "Technorama" 1954; "Technorama" 1955; "Technorama" 1956; "Technorama," 1957