Showing Collections: 11 - 18 of 18
Graduate fellowships and scholarships, 1965-2007
Flyers about various scholarships and fellowships available to full-time and part-time graduate students, including a poster from 1965 listing fellowships and a flyer from 2007 about Merit Scholarships.
High school summer programs collection, 1959-1984
Pamphlets for academic summer and weekend programs and classes held for high school students on Illinois Institute of Technology's campus.
IIT Women and Biology, IIT at Work films, 1940-1959
Leon Lederman poster, 2000
One printed poster announcing a lecture by Leon Lederman at the Illinois Institute of Technology, May 22, 2000, titled "The Essential Transition from 19th to 21st Cenury High School Science Education."
Peter Lykos papers, 1959-1999
Materials by Peter Lykos, faculty member in the Department of Chemistry at Illinois Institute of Technology, related to the history of computer science curriculum at IIT circa 1959-1999.
Publications collection, 1940-2010
Publication, brochures, fliers, and assorted printed matter produced by Illinois Institute of Technology in connection with academic, administrative, and extracurricular programs and activities.
Scientists in laboratories film, 1944-1989
16 mm film labeled "Scientists at laboratory equipment and computers." Film is B & W, silent, 4¾" diameter, ca. 10 min.
Women in Science and Engineering program collection, 1990-2000
The collection contains brochures and program material related to the Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) program at Illinois Institute of Technology.