Showing Collections: 1 - 4 of 4
Beyond Mies
Identifier: 037.08.04
Description of the Collection
One VHS tape and one dvd, each of Beyond Mies, a video by Rich Goodman (job # 2260, May 11, 1998) documenting the 1997 Richard H. Driehaus Foundation International Design Competition to select an architect for the building which later became identified as the McCormick Tribune Campus Center on the campus of Illinois Institute of Technology. The video included comments by Mark Scogin and features commentary/narration by Dirk Lohan about the IIT campus, the winner as "the next Mies," and the...
McCormick Tribune Campus Center construction photographs, 2001-2003
Identifier: 037.08.07
Description of the Collection
Photographs taken by John Stamets of the construction of the McCormick Tribune Campus Center, designed by Rem Koolhaas, on the campus of Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago. Images were taken approximately monthly over a period of almost two years 22 months (Dec. 2001 - Sept. 2003). Total collection will number approximately 1,248 (per John Stamets) 4x5" contact prints made from the original 4x5" film negatives. Ca. 10 - 15% of the total are in color. Images received in the IIT...
McCormick Tribune Campus Center printed material, 1998
Identifier: 037.08.13
Description of the Collection
Illinois Institute of Technology's McCormick Tribune Campus Center printed matter, including publications, brochures and promotional materials resulting from the planning, development and construction stages of the MTCC, also preliminary landscaping plans.