Showing Collections: 1 - 3 of 3
Armour Institute film, 1936-1989
Identifier: 002.07.03
Description of the Collection
Black and white film footage of Armour Institute circa 1936-1939. Primarily shows outdoor events, such as sports and games, in connection with the fraternities' annual Circus Day and Junior Week activities. Shows trophy and banners being awarded and defeated team members being "pantsed." The film also includes some interior scenes of labs and science activities. Brief views of staff, such as President Willard Hotchkiss, Dean Henry Heald, and John Schommer, trustees, and others. Exterior...
1936-1989; Majority of material found within 1936-1939
IIT Independent Press collection, 1968-1969
Identifier: 027.10.05
Description of the Collection
IIT Independent Press, was a student-produced radical newspaper of the 1960s. "Published monthly by Jericho Publications Inc. ...Staff: Charles Peters; Bill Bolton; Charles Erdell; Andre Souffront" (per Vol. 2 , No. 1). Topics covered include IIT Black Student Organization, urban renewal, and faculty member Max Primack. Collection contains 2 copies of the October 1968 issue (vol 1, no. 2) and the March 1969 issue (vol. 2, no. 1). (1)
Progressive Community Church records, 1948-2018
Identifier: 050.01.01
Scope and Contents
The Progressive Community Center: The People’s Church (Chicago, IL) Records includes administrative records, correspondence, church publications, CD-R, VHS, and cassette recordings of sermons, services, and the Voices of Progressive choir, photographs, and substantial biographical materials about Reverend Dr. B. Herbert Martin, Sr. The bulk of the materials are from the pastorate of the Reverend B. Herbert Martin, 1981 to 2016. The collection provides a comprehensive look at the declared...
Majority of material found within 1948-2018; 1948-2018