Showing Collections: 1 - 10 of 13
Academic Advising publications, 1942-1979
Materials related to academic advising and academic counseling services for students. Mostly for freshmen. 1) Student Counseling Services freshman advising program informational booklet, 1979 2) Handbook for Senior Counselors 3) Manual for Interpretation of Orientation Test Scores, by W C Krathwohl, 1942 with results of orientation test score 4) form for students to fill out for Faculty Advisors with academic information (blank)
Athletics Department collection, 1941-2004
Center for Disability Resources, 1985
Brochure "Services for Handicapped Students: Personal Counseling, Accessible Living, Special Equipment, and Referral Resources" c.1985
Counseling Services publications, 1943-2000
Materials produced by IIT Counseling Center, IIT Counseling & Health Services. Contains: IIT Counseling and Health Service brochure; Counseling Center brochure; Student Counseling at Armour by A.C. Orcutt, 1943; IIT Counseling Center brochure, brochure "Recognizing and Assisting Students with Difficulties A guide for faculty and staff."; Student Counseling Services brochure, n.d.
Inter-Honorary Council, 1949-1954
Programs from the The Honors Assembly presented by the Interhonorary Council, inducting new members into university honors societies: Arnold Air Society, Chi Epsilon, Eta Kappa Nu, Honor I, Phi Eta Sigma, Phi Lambda Upsilon. From 1949, 1952, 1954.
Parents Association publications, 1961-2008
Materials produced by the Parent's Association. The following folders: 1) Informational brochure about the Parent's Association, notice for The Parent's Dance, April 29, 1978 2) Programs for Parents Day: 1958, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1967, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1977 3) Invites for Family weekend: 2007 4) Homecoming invites, 2008
Spring Thing festival collection, 1970-1978
Materials related to the Spring Thing celebration, tricycle race, concert. Contains Brochure for Spring Thing, 1978; rules for the "1st Annual International Intercollegiate Tricycle Race" 1970
Student Orientation publications, 1957-2007
Guides published for new student Orientation week with schedule of events, general information, and maps. Containing the following folders: 1) 1957- 1959 (Fall and Spring) 2) 1960- 1961 (Fall and Spring) 3) 1962- 1965 (Fall and Spring) 4) 1966- 1970 (Fall only) 5) 1972- 1974 6) 1978 7) 1989 8) 1990-1993 9) 1999-2001 10) 2002 11) 2004 12) 2006-2007
Technette activities handbooks, 1940-1949
Four editions: September, 1940; September, 1942; July, 1945; October, 1949 (4 copies)