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Showing Collections: 11 - 20 of 30

Campus Space Inventory collection, 1968

Identifier: 037.02.53

This collection is unprocessed. If you would like to request that a detailed inventory of this collection be made available, please contact the IIT Archives.

Dates: 1968

East Map Case Materials collection, 1892-1988

Identifier: 037.02.27
Content Description

This collection includes drawings, plans, blueprints, and other materials stored in the East Map Case. These materials are not all from the same source, nor are they a coherent collection by any factor other than that they are all stored together. See folder listings for an inventory of the items in this collection.

Dates: 1892-1988

IIT Campus Aerial photographs, 1940-2002

Identifier: 037.02.25
Description of the Collection Aerial photographs of IIT's main campus on South State Street and surrounding neighborhoods. Some photos include the Chicago Loop skyline or Lake Michigan horizon. Photos are in print (generally 8" x 10") format for earlier years and 35mm contact sheets (ca. 24 to 36 images per 8" x 10" sheet), slides, and some photocopies for later years. With few exceptions, these aerial survey photos were taken annually from 1940 until ca. 1968 (which represents the final build-out of the IIT campus) by...
Dates: 1940-2002

IIT film, 1956-1957

Identifier: 039.01.31
Description of the Collection Black & white, silent film identified as "IIT 1956-1957" with images of Illinois Institute of Technology campus and buildings. Original format is 16 mm film; physical surrogate available in BetaCamSP. See staff for access to MP4 video file. Internal evidence very strongly suggests that most of the film was shot in the spring of 1957. Example: I.D. students showing their projects to instructors at mid-point in the film include some who graduated from IIT in mid-1957 (Maureen...
Dates: 1956-1957

Lohan Master Plan records, 1996-1997

Identifier: 037.02.15
Description of the Collection

Materials related to the activities of Stein & Co. and Mesirow/Stein in regard to the Lohan Master Plan activities, 1996-1997.

  1. See Re:Discovery record
Dates: 1996-1997

McCormick Tribune Campus Center and State Street Village promotion collection, 2003

Identifier: 037.08.16
Description of the Collection

Materials resulting from promotion and publicity of the McCormick Tribune Campus Center and State Street Village opening events. Includes materials produced and distributed by Illinois Institute of Technology as internal and mass mailing from project development and construction stages through opening events. Print media coverage and architectural reviews are included. Box 1 consists of manuscript material, box 2 of oversize materials, and box 3 of miscellaneous unprocessed material.

Dates: 2003

McCormick Tribune Campus Center opening celebration collection, 2003

Identifier: 037.08.08
Description of the Collection Promotional materials produced in connection with the opening celebration of the McCormick Tribune Campus Center on the campus of Illinois Institute of Technology, held Sept. 30, 2003. A lecture by the building's architect, Rem Koolhaas, was held on Oct. 4, 2003. Four copies each of the following items: 1. "Save the date" stickers 2. Hard ask invitations 3. Soft ask invitations 4. Press kits 5. MTCC maps 6. Program books 7. John Stamets photo cubes (2 only) 8. College of Architecture posters...
Dates: 2003

McCormick Tribune Campus Center planning records, 1997-1999

Identifier: 037.08.09
Description of the Collection Pre-construction planning documents related to the programmatic uses of the building which came to be known as the McCormick Tribune Campus Center on the campus of Illinois Institute of Technology. Items as follows: Richard H. Driehaus Foundation International Design Competition/Competition Process and Procedures; July 15, 1997 Memorandum from Donna Robertson to Campus Center Committee "Campus Center program"; Nov. 10, 1997 Report: New Campus Center; report by Holabird & Root; ca. Nov....
Dates: 1997-1999

McCormick Tribune Campus Center printed material, 1998

Identifier: 037.08.13
Description of the Collection

Illinois Institute of Technology's McCormick Tribune Campus Center printed matter, including publications, brochures and promotional materials resulting from the planning, development and construction stages of the MTCC, also preliminary landscaping plans.

Dates: 1998

Melvin T. Tracht papers, 1951-1980

Identifier: 030.04.03
Description of the Collection Appears to be the papers of Melvin T. Tracht in his role as Chief Financial Officer of Illinois Institute of Technology (Chicago). Bulks with budget materials, much of which is probably duplicated in multiple folders. The folders "Nursing Homes" and "Research Park" files in box 2 concern campus development issues. See folder listing below for other topics. Folder titles: Box 1 (removed from drawer 1) Admissions Tax Continental Illinois National Bank/Chicago-Kent Crystal Lake Property Crystal...
Dates: 1951-1980; Majority of material found within 1963-1980

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  • Name: Illinois Institute of Technology X
  • Subject: College buildings X

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College buildings 18
Campus planning 8
College buildings--Planning 8
Architectural drawings (visual works) 5
Architecture--Designs and plans 5
∨ more  
McCormick Tribune Campus Center (Chicago, Ill.) 5
S. R. Crown Hall (Chicago, Ill.) 3
Alschuler, Alfred S. (Alfred Samuel), 1876-1940 2
Armour Institute of Technology 2
Armour Mission (Chicago, Ill.) 2
∨ more
Armour Research Foundation (U.S.) 2
Arthur Keating Hall (Chicago, Ill.) 2
Commons Building (Chicago, Ill. : South Wabash Avenue) 2
Hermann Hall (Chicago, Ill.) 2
IIT Research Institute 2
Illinois Intsitute of Technology. Robert F. Carr Memorial Chapel 2
Lewis Institute (Chicago, Ill.) 2
Richard H. Driehaus Foundation International Design Competition 2
Skidmore, Owings & Merrill 2
State Street Village (Chicago, Ill.) 2
University Technology Park at Illinois Institute of Technology (Chicago, Ill.) 2
Alumni Memorial Hall (Chicago, Ill.) 1
Armour Flats (Chicago, Ill.) 1
Armour, Philip D. (Philip Danforth), 1832-1901 1
Bronzeville (Chicago, Ill.) 1
Caldwell, Alfred, 1903-1998 1
Carman Hall (Chicago, Ill.) 1
Chapin Hall (South Federal Street : Chicago, Ill.) 1
Chicago Housing Authority 1
Chicago-Kent College of Law 1
Cobb, Henry Ives, Jr., 1883-1974 1
Doblin, Jay 1
Farr Hall (Chicago, Ill.) 1
Fowler Hall (Chicago, Ill.) 1
George J. Kacek Hall (Chicago, Ill.) 1
Grubiak, Margaret M. 1
Gunsaulus Hall (Chicago, Ill.) 1
Gunsaulus, Frank W. (Frank Wakeley), 1856-1921 1
Illinois Historic Preservation Agency 1
Illinois Institute of Technology. Board of Trustees 1
Illinois Institute of Technology. College of Architecture 1
Illinois Institute of Technology. Daniel F. and Ada L. Rice Campus 1
Illinois Institute of Technology. Institute of Design 1
Illinois Institute of Technology. Institute of Gas Technology 1
Illinois Institute of Technology. Office of Communications and Marketing 1
Illinois Institute of Technology. Office of External Affairs 1
Illinois Institute of Technology. Office of Facilities Management 1
Illinois Institute of Technology. Office of Marketing and Communications 1
Illinois Institute of Technology. Office of the Registrar 1
Koolhaas, Rem 1
Lewis Institute 1
Lohan, Dirk 1
Main Building (Chicago, Ill. : South Federal Street) 1
Materials and Metals Building (Chicago, Ill.) 1
Mecca Apartments (Chicago, Ill.) 1
Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig, 1886-1969 1
Mittelbusher & Tourtelot 1
National Register of Historic Places 1
Paul V. Galvin Library 1
Perlstein Hall (Chicago, Ill.) 1
Robert A. Pritzker Science Center (Chicago, Ill.) 1
Robertson, Donna 1
Schmidt, Garden and Erikson 1
Stamets, John 1
Tracht, Melvin T. 1
Wishnick Hall (Chicago, Ill.) 1
∧ less

Paul V. Galvin Library

35 West 33rd Street | Chicago, IL | 60616