Showing Collections: 1 - 6 of 6
Graduate Admissions publications, 1972-2006
Graduate College publications, 2004
Publications (non-serial) from the Graduate College at IIT: 1) "Inventing the Future Together: A Report on Research at IIT" (2004)
Graduate Enrollment collection, 2007
This collection consists of materials produced in connection with graduate enrollment activities at the Illinois Institute of Technology. Items include: Postcard announcing March 28, 2007 Open House (2 copies) and a second postcard reading "Selectviity: Choose a graduate education...," 2007 (2 copies).
Graduate fellowships and scholarships, 1965-2007
Flyers about various scholarships and fellowships available to full-time and part-time graduate students, including a poster from 1965 listing fellowships and a flyer from 2007 about Merit Scholarships.
Graduate handbooks, 1976-1996
Booklets of information for graduate students about registration, academic policies, housing, etc. 4 editions: n.d., 1976, 1995, 1996
School of Advanced Studies report, 1977-1978
The School of Advanced Studies Report was the newsletter of the School of Advanced Studies, which oversaw all graduate programs. Two issues: Vol.1 No. 1, October 1977; Vol. 1 No. 3 February 1978.