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Armour Mission Demolition films, 1962

Identifier: 037.01.02
Description of the Collection 8 rolls of movie film with similar titles/markings suggesting they all concern the demolition and razing of the Student Union Building (formerly, Armour Mission), ca. 1962. 1. Wrecking of old Student Union (2 tapes of this title); Color; Silent; 3" d.; ca. 5 min. Perforated number 0-726545609 2. Wrecking of old Student Union (2 tapes of this title); Color; Silent; 3" d.; ca. 5 min. Perforated number 0-726545612 3. Wrecking of Old Student Union Building; 16mm; 3½" d.; ca. 5 min. 4. Student...
Dates: 1962

Building Reference files, 1896-2013

Identifier: 037.06.01
Scope and Contents The Building Reference Files collection consists of a mix of primary and secondary source material relating to the buildings and campuses of the Illinois Institute of Technology and its predecessor institutions. These files formerly served as "drop files" where archives staff collected clippings, ephemera, and photographs related to the buildings and campus, and as a result, many of the files consist wholly of secondary material (including photocopies and clippings from university...
Dates: 1895-2013

Office of the General Counsel records, 1959-1984

Identifier: 033.01.03
Description of the Collection This collection includes materials collected by the Office of General Counsel at Illinois Institute of Technology regarding the construction and leasing agreement between the John J.Crerar Library and Illinois Institute of Technology for the building which housed the Crerar and Kemper Libraries on the campus of Illinois Institute of Technology. It includes historical research regarding the real estate property known as Armour Mission. The library building was later re-named Paul V. Galvin...
Dates: 1959-1984

Filtered By

  • Subject: College buildings X
  • Subject: College buildings X
  • Subject: College buildings X
  • Name: Armour Mission (Chicago, Ill.) X

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College buildings 2
Academic libraries 1
Architecture 1
Architecture--Designs and plans 1
Audio-visual materials 1
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Illinois Institute of Technology 2
Alumni Memorial Hall (Chicago, Ill.) 1
Armour Flats (Chicago, Ill.) 1
Armour Institute of Technology 1
Armour Research Foundation (U.S.) 1

Paul V. Galvin Library

35 West 33rd Street | Chicago, IL | 60616