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Alumni Memorial Hall blueprints, 1945

Identifier: 037.02.50
Description of the Collection

Three pages of blueprints (27 x 41") for the Navy Building (later, Alumni Memorial Hall) by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe and Holabird & Root. Drawings are identified as First Floor Framing, drawing S2; 2nd Floor Framing, S3; and Roof Framing Plan, S4. All are dated 5/17/1945 and are identified as revisions of commission number 7774.

Dates: 1945

Beyond Mies

Identifier: 037.08.04
Description of the Collection One VHS tape and one dvd, each of Beyond Mies, a video by Rich Goodman (job # 2260, May 11, 1998) documenting the 1997 Richard H. Driehaus Foundation International Design Competition to select an architect for the building which later became identified as the McCormick Tribune Campus Center on the campus of Illinois Institute of Technology. The video included comments by Mark Scogin and features commentary/narration by Dirk Lohan about the IIT campus, the winner as "the next Mies," and the...
Dates: 1998

Campus Models and Plans photographs, 1940-1990

Identifier: 037.02.17
Description of the Collection

76 photographs of architectural models, sketches, plans, drawings, etc. of the South State Street campus of Illinois Institute of Technology. An oversize folder holds 4 large images.

Dates: 1940-1990; Majority of material found within 1940 - 1965

Campus photographic slides, 1954-1973

Identifier: 039.01.60
Description of the Collection

35 mm slides (most in color) of various Illinois Institute of Technology (Chicago) activities, ca. 1954–ca. 1973. Includes shots of faculty and students in classrooms and laboratories, campus buildings (including interiors), campus grounds, campus activities (limited in number), and academic programs.

See spreadsheet listed in External Documents for slide index.

Dates: 1954-1973

Celebrating 50 Years: S. R. Crown Hall, 1956-2006

Identifier: 037.07.04
Description of the Collection

Celebrating 50 Years: S.R. Crown Hall, 1956-2006, is a CD containing a pdf of photographs and texts documenting the planning, construction, and uses of S.R. Crown Hall.

Dates: 2006

Design and Construction Department reports, 2005-2007

Identifier: 029.03.08
Description of the Collection

Printed copies of a weekly electronic report distributed by the IIT Facilities office showing a combined project list/status report for construction projects on the campus of Illinois Institute of Technology. Reports identify the in-house project manager, architect, contractor, and budget figures. Note that this collection does not include every weekly report. Reports were no longer distributed after June 11, 2007.

Dates: 2005-2007

IIT Challenge Campaign CDs, 1997

Identifier: 032.02.16
Description of the Collection CD-Rs containing media and executable files for IIT Challenge Campaign, a software program consisting of a 4-minute sound and video presentation of five Ludwig Mies van der Rohe-designed buildings on the campus of Illinois Institute of Technology. The buildings presented are those to be renovated as part of the multi-year "Mies Campus Project," the ultimate objective of which was to write a group National Register Nomination to include S. R. Crown Hall, Siegel Hall, Wishnick Hall, Alumni...
Dates: 1997

Kaplan Institute records, 2017

Identifier: 037.02.63
Content Description

19 Digital photographs of Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel with Kaplan Institute architect and Illinois Tech faculty member John Ronan and other Illinois Tech administrators and staff, taken during the construction of the Kaplan Institute. Illinois Tech staff in the photos includes Jess Goode, Colette Porter, and Jimmy Akintonde.

Dates: 2017-08-29

Lewis Collens photos, 1995

Identifier: 024.10.05
Description of the Collection

Two 8" x 10" photographs. The first, in black and white, shows Collens at a sporting event holding a baseball, wearing a baseball cap, and posing with "Downtown Julie Brown" from MTV'S video jockey (MTV-VJ). The second, in color, shows Collens in an open field, hard hat in hand, standing next to a Komatsu crane/shovel.

Dates: 1995

McCormick Tribune Campus Center construction photographs, 2001-2003

Identifier: 037.08.07
Description of the Collection Photographs taken by John Stamets of the construction of the McCormick Tribune Campus Center, designed by Rem Koolhaas, on the campus of Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago. Images were taken approximately monthly over a period of almost two years 22 months (Dec. 2001 - Sept. 2003). Total collection will number approximately 1,248 (per John Stamets) 4x5" contact prints made from the original 4x5" film negatives. Ca. 10 - 15% of the total are in color. Images received in the IIT...
Dates: 2001-2003

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  • Subject: Design X
  • Subject: College buildings X
  • Subject: College buildings X
  • Subject: College buildings X

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College buildings--Design and construction 12
College buildings 6
Architectural drawings (visual works) 5
Bronzeville (Chicago, Ill.) 2
College buildings--Planning 2
∨ more  
Illinois Institute of Technology 4
McCormick Tribune Campus Center (Chicago, Ill.) 4
S. R. Crown Hall (Chicago, Ill.) 3
Alumni Memorial Hall (Chicago, Ill.) 2
Illinois Institute of Technology. Office of Facilities Management 2

Paul V. Galvin Library

35 West 33rd Street | Chicago, IL | 60616