Showing Collections: 31 - 40 of 48
Office of Alumni Relations collection, 1942-2009
Miscellaneous materials produced by the Office of Alumni Relations for distribution to Illinois Institute of Technology (Chicago) alumni, regarding fundraising for the university and alumni events/programs.
Office of Communications and Marketing photographs, 1989-1999
This collection includes photographs in various formats depicting university-related activities and events. Binder indentification, per binder spine labels, is transcribed at the series level.
Office of Development records, 1948-1970
Materials related to the Office of Development at the Illinois Institute of Technology, separated by department.
Office of Institutional Advancement collection, 1979-2016
Office of Marketing and Communications printed material, 2003-2012
Printed materials created by the Office of Marketing and Communications, including items related to student recruitment, fundraising, institutional promotion, event promotion, holiday greetings, and public programs. Among other items, this collection includes "IIT in Your Pocket: Your Guide to Navigating IIT, College Life and Chicago," "Directions: A Primer for Crafting a Gift of Significance," and "Investing in the Future: IIT Giving Opportunities."
Office of Public Relations records, 1955-1999
Office of Public Relations prior to 2000. See series level records for itemized box lists of contents, and specific dates. Collection bulks with binders of 35mm color slides, also includes manuscripts and A-V materials.
Office of Public Relations records, 1984-1998
Partnership in the Future: The Refounding of IIT to Serve an Evolving Society collection, 1977
Paul V. Galvin Library Fund flyers, 2007-2008
Two flyers soliciting donations for the Paul V. Galvin Fund as part of the Annual Fund.
Presidents Council invitations, 2007
Two invitations for "an evening of conversation" about "Growing Water: Chicago in 2106" presented by UrbanLab, October 1, 2007