Showing Collections: 1 - 10 of 10
Alumni associations and clubs, 1930-1983
Materials produced by or for Alumni Associations and Clubs for Illinois Intsitute of Technology Alumni.
Alumni Awards collection, 2001-2019
Alumni directory collection, 1980-2001
Alumni events collection, 1948-2008
Materials related to events of Illinois Institute of Technology alumni on campus and at regional alumni associations, organized by IIT and by local alumni clubs. The events include outings, lectures, seminars, and other social events.
Alumni reunion collection, 1948-
Materials related to alumni reunions and events hosted by Illinois Institute of Technology, including printed materials and photographs. Beginning in 1997, the annual event was titled AlumiFest.
Alumnifest photographs, 2007
Bernard P. Taylor papers, 1944-1946
The papers of Bernard P. Taylor who was the assistant to the Illinois Institute of Technology president Henry T. Heald. These materials concern the IIT Alumni Association.
Office of Alumni Relations collection, 1942-2009
Miscellaneous materials produced by the Office of Alumni Relations for distribution to Illinois Institute of Technology (Chicago) alumni, regarding fundraising for the university and alumni events/programs.
Technology and Human Affairs collection, 1969-1975
The Technometer collection, 1941-1966
The Technometer was a monthly news report on the activities of Illinois Institute of Technology and the alumni published nine times during the academic year. This collection includes bound volumes 1-25 of The Technometer as well as miscellaneous loose issues.