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Showing Collections: 1 - 10 of 66

75th anniversary collection, 1968

Identifier: 017.02.01
Description of the Collection

Materials related to the Illinois Institute of Technology's 75th anniversary celebration in 1967-1968. Folder 1 contains materials related to alumni events, a schedule and reservation form for "Alumni Luncheon Series," and invitation to the All-Alumni Reunion. Folder 2 contains program and some additional information on 75th Anniversary Convocation May 1st, 1968

Dates: 1968

Academic regalia, 1957

Identifier: 016.02.09
Description of the Collection

This collection includes Master degree academic regalia used by Edward V. Mochel at his 1957 commencement from Illinois Institute of Technology (M.S. in Engineering). The set includes a robe, hood, and mortarboard.

Dates: 1957

Admissions Office records, 1959

Identifier: 026.01.05
Description of the Collection

Materials produced by the Admissions Office for internal use, including a Report of the Committee on Student Recruitment and Retention, July 1959 and Alumni Admissions Council Directory with addresses and phone numbers for Alumni Admissions Council.

Dates: 1959

Alfred M. Jaques papers, 1989-1992

Identifier: 038.01.13
Description of the Collection Five short essays by the Alfred M. Jaques: 1. The Class On Its Way To The Stars, observations of activities pursued by member of the Class of 1959 in 1989; 2. Why IIT Is The Best College, address delivered at the IIT March 26, 1992 meeting of LIFE (Latinos Involved in Further Education); 3. Two Dinners With the Chapas concerns the death of Fernando and Luis Chapa and others as a result of automobile accidents caused by drunk drivers. Copies in English and Spanish; 4. Parallel Paths was...
Dates: 1989-circa 1992

Alfred M. Jaques papers, 1993-1997

Identifier: 038.01.12
Description of the Collection Five books compiled by Alfred M. Jaques, 1959 graduate. Each volume contains several one-page biographies of IIT alumni representing a particular group. Titles are as follows: Unos Hispanos Graduados del Instituto Technologico de Illinois, Segunda Edicio, 1993; Some African-American Alumni of the Illinois Institute of Technology, Winter 1994; Some Presidents and CEOs from the Illinois Institute of Technology, Summer 1997; Some Women Alumni of the Illinois Institute of Technology, Winter...
Dates: 1993-1997

Alumni associations and clubs, 1930-1983

Identifier: 032.01.01
Description of the Collection

Materials produced by or for Alumni Associations and Clubs for Illinois Intsitute of Technology Alumni.

Dates: 1930-1983; Majority of material found within 1948-2007

Alumni Awards collection, 2001-2019

Identifier: 032.01.04
Description of the Collection Invitations and programs from Alumni Association Awards Presentations, 2001-2014. The collection also includes three DVDs of video of the of the 2011, 2012, and 2015 Alumni Awards. Disc one includes video of 2011 Alumni Awards program, held in the Hermann Hall Ballroom on April 14, 2011. Disc two includes video of the 2012 Alumni Awards program, held in the Hermann Hall Ballroom on April 13, 2012. Disc three includes video of the 2015 Alumni Awards held in the Hermann Hall Ballroom on April...
Dates: 2001-2019

Alumni directory collection, 1980-2001

Identifier: 032.01.11
Description of the Collection Illinois Institute of Technology Alumni Directory, privately published books containing standard biographical data (generally name, degree and year of graduation, employment, address, phone number, email) of alumni from each of the university's schools: Chicago-Kent College of Law, College of Architecture, Armour College of Engineering and Science, Institute of Design, Stuart Graduate School of Business, and Institute of Psychology. Note that the information was generally gathered from a...
Dates: 1980-2001

Alumni E-news collection, 2005-2006

Identifier: 032.01.07
Description of the Collection

Electronic newsletter, Alumni Enews, issued by the Illinois Institute of Technology Alumni Relations office and sent to alumni via email. The collection is comprised of hardcopy format of the newsletter printed for the email document.

Dates: 2005-2006

Alumni events collection, 1948-2008

Identifier: 032.01.02
Description of the Collection

Materials related to events of Illinois Institute of Technology alumni on campus and at regional alumni associations, organized by IIT and by local alumni clubs. The events include outings, lectures, seminars, and other social events.

Dates: 1948-2008; Majority of material found within 1990-2008

Filtered By

  • Subject: Universities and colleges--Alumni and alumnae X

Filter Results

Additional filters:

Serial publications 14
Special events 8
Fund raising 7
Commencement ceremonies 5
Education--Illinois--Chicago 4
∨ more  
Illinois Institute of Technology 17
Illinois Institute of Technology. Office of Alumni Relations 10
Armour Institute of Technology 9
Heald, Henry T. (Henry Townley), 1904-1975 6
Illinois Institute of Technology. Office of Institutional Advancement 5
∨ more
Armour Research Foundation (U.S.) 2
Chicago-Kent College of Law 2
Illinois Institute of Technology. Board of Trustees 2
Illinois Institute of Technology. College of Architecture 2
Illinois Institute of Technology. Office of Development 2
Illinois Institute of Technology. Office of Marketing and Communications 2
Jaques, Alfred M. 2
Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig, 1886-1969 2
Taylor, Bernard P. 2
Alschuler, Alfred S. (Alfred Samuel), 1876-1940 1
Anderson, John L. 1
Beckman, Arnold O. 1
Belice, Randy Lee 1
Bonthron, Robert 1
Brenner, Daniel 1
Bronzeville (Chicago, Ill.) 1
Caldwell, Alfred, 1903-1998 1
Camras, Marvin 1
Caxton Club 1
Chapa, Diana Contreras 1
Chapa, Fernando 1
Chappell Studio 1
Collens, Lewis M. 1
Collens, Marge 1
Corazzo, Alex 1
Finfer, Mark 1
Footlik, Irving M. 1
Footlik, Sylvia 1
Goslyn, Ken 1
Grimes, John, Mr. 1
Guthrie, Robert M. 1
Hilberseimer, Ludwig 1
Hollis, Don 1
Hotchkiss, Willard E. (Willard Eugene), 1874-1956 1
Hughes, Betsy 1
Illinois Institute of Technology. College of Science 1
Illinois Institute of Technology. Department of Psychology 1
Illinois Institute of Technology. Institute of Design 1
Illinois Institute of Technology. Institute of Gas Technology 1
Illinois Institute of Technology. Institute of Psychology 1
Illinois Institute of Technology. National Commission for IIT 1
Illinois Institute of Technology. Office of Communications and Marketing 1
Illinois Institute of Technology. Office of Institutional Advancement and Alumni Relations 1
Illinois Institute of Technology. Office of Public Relations 1
Illinois Institute of Technology. Office of University Relations 1
Illinois Institute of Technology. Office of the Registrar 1
Indiana Dunes State Park (Ind.) 1
Jahnke, Fred S. 1
Jungels, Alton J. 1
Knowles, Gretchen 1
Leto, Tina 1
Lewis Institute 1
Lewis, Edwin Herbert, 1866-1938 1
Lewis, Janet, 1899-1998 1
Lisciani, Constantine 1
Logman, Elizabeth 1
Main Building (Chicago, Ill. : South Federal Street) 1
Makielski, John P. 1
Manasevit, Harold M. 1
Mandell, Nathan 1
McCormick Tribune Campus Center (Chicago, Ill.) 1
Mecca Apartments (Chicago, Ill.) 1
Mochel, Edward V. 1
Pavlicek, Richard J. 1
Peebles, James C. 1
Peterhans, Walter, 1897-1960 1
Piper, Virginia Galvin, 1911-1999 1
Robertson, Donna 1
Ruhig, Theodore 1
Schommer, John 1
Spire, James 1
Thurin, Peter 1
Turner, Ted 1
Van Horn, Ray 1
Watson, James 1
Werner, Eric 1
Zagorski, Normadie 1
∧ less

Paul V. Galvin Library

35 West 33rd Street | Chicago, IL | 60616