Showing Collections: 71 - 80 of 340
Commencement programs, 1940-2010
Community Events collection, 1991-2003
Computation Center collection, 1967-1987
Issues of the Computation Center Newsletter, which existed under various names. Following issues: No. 7, May 1967; "ACK" Vol. 1 No. 1, Sept. 1, 1981; Vol. 6 No. 1, Sept. 1986; Vol. 6 No. 3, Feb. 1987; Vol. 7 No. 2 Oct. 1987; Vol. 7 No. 2, Feb. 1988; Vol. 7 No. 3 April 1988; Vol. 6 No. 4 March 1987.
Conferences collection, 1949-1991
Conferences sponsered or held at IIT.
Converging Visions: The Making of a University
Converging Visions: The Making of a University, an institutional history of Illinois Institute of Technology, written for popular audience and promotional use. 16 pages; ca. 1990. (10 copies)
Convocation programs, 1968-2001
Programs from 1968, 2000-20002 convocation ceremonies including speakers, honorary degree recipients. The 1968 ceremony was also the 75th Anniversary Convocation. The collection includes photographs of faculty and staff in academia robes at the 1968 convocation.
Counseling Services publications, 1943-2000
Materials produced by IIT Counseling Center, IIT Counseling & Health Services. Contains: IIT Counseling and Health Service brochure; Counseling Center brochure; Student Counseling at Armour by A.C. Orcutt, 1943; IIT Counseling Center brochure, brochure "Recognizing and Assisting Students with Difficulties A guide for faculty and staff."; Student Counseling Services brochure, n.d.
Craft and Mini-Programs flyers, 1975-1982
Course descriptions and registration instructions for craft and mini-programs for: Fall 1975, Fall 1978, Fall 1979, Fall 1982, Fall 1981, September/October 1981, January/February 1982, Spring 1982
Crerar Library records, 1957-1984
Crerar/Kemper Library collection, 1962-1985
Wall signage letters (31 letters and 1 directional arrow) of cut aluminum used in the Crerar/Kemper Library ca. 1962 - 1985. Unknown what the letters originally spelled. 15/16" high. Artifact.