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Showing Collections: 1 - 10 of 39

Aerial photographs, 1951-1961

Identifier: 037.02.11
Description of the Collection Four aerial views of campus and the surrounding area: 1) Black and white aerial view of campus and surrounding area, roughly Michigan Ave. to Canal St., 31st St. to Pershing. Dated 1951, image predates construction of Dan Ryan Expressway, and includes Wentworth Gardens, old Comiskey Park, the Mecca building, and original Armour Institute complex. A two square block area to the east of State St., later to be developed as McCormick Village (student housing complex) is outlined. ...
Dates: 1951-1961

Armour Mission records, 1881-1931

Identifier: 002.03.01
Description of the Collection

Records of Armour Mission, Chicago, IL, 1881-1931. The collection includes records concerning church congregation membership and programs, official publications, financial records, real estate materials, and artifacts. These materials represent the only known official records of Armour Mission, a non-sectarian Christian church congregation and quasi-settlement house on Chicago's South Side in the late 1800s.

Dates: 1881-1931

Bronzeville 23rd St. Viaduct collection, 1925

Identifier: 050.01.07
Description of the Collection South Central Association Souvenir Twenty-third Street Viaduct Opening publication, a 116-page booklet, dated 1925, published by the South Central [or Central South?] Association, a Chicago citizens' membership organization. Includes list of members (individuals and businesses), advertisers, and short essays on numerous South Side establishments, and numerous photos and illustrations. Some of the topics, places, and businesses included are: Indiana Ave., Cottage Grove Ave., 22nd St., South...
Dates: 1925

Bronzeville Artifacts Grand Theatre tickets, 1950s

Identifier: 050.01.08
Description of the Collection

Three tickets to the Grand Theatre, 3110 S. State Street, Chicago with face value of 25 cents each. Artifact.

Dates: 1950s

Bronzeville Design Symposium collection, 1999

Identifier: 050.01.14
Description of the Collection

Materials related to "Bronzeville Design Symposium: The Impact of Design on Urban Communities," held at Illinois Institute of Technology October 29-30, 1999. Project was a joint activity of IIT, the College of Architecture, and Harvard Graduate School of Design.

Dates: 1999

Bronzeville Digital Stories (booklet), 2000

Identifier: 050.01.15

bronzeville-stories as of June 7, 2000. Prof. David Coogan served as project advisor.

Dates: 2000

Bronzeville expansion collection, 1950-2017

Identifier: 050.01.06
Description of the Collection Materials from a variety of sources and dates documenting the past and present of the African-American neighborhood of Bronzeville, historically known as the Black Metropolis, located on the South Side of Chicago. This collection serve as a drop file of materials not otherwise accessioned and catalogued in the IIT Archives. Contains loose papers and soft cover books. Partial listing of individual items/publications: Illinois Institute of Technology in the Community, 1996 (with references to...
Dates: 1950-2017

Bronzeville historic slides, 1950s

Identifier: 050.01.10
Description of the Collection A collection of 35 mm black and white slides numbered 1 to 12 (there are 2 copies of slide no. 1 for a total of 13 slides) of street scenes, people and housing in the historically black south Chicago community know as Bronzeville. Images include some interior house scenes and some "projects" (public housing). All of these images were used in "The Poorhouse: Subsidized Housing in Chicago, 1895 - 1976" by Devereux Bowly, Jr. (Carbondale: Southern Illinois University, 1978). Presumably the...
Dates: 1950s

Bronzeville photo, 1961

Identifier: 050.01.09
Description of the Collection One aerial color photograph (by unidentified photographer) of buildings, primarily residential, covering the 3400 south blocks of Michigan Ave., Indiana Ave., Prairie Ave., and Calumet Ave. in Chicago. Photo is apparently taken from the roof of De La Salle Institute (located at 3455 S. Wabash) and shows a two-bay red and green "Dutch" type building at center bottom with a sign reading "Sparks Hotel" (located at 3433 So. Michigan per 1961-62 telephone book white pages). A white Cadillac, ca....
Dates: 1961

Building Reference files, 1896-2013

Identifier: 037.06.01
Scope and Contents The Building Reference Files collection consists of a mix of primary and secondary source material relating to the buildings and campuses of the Illinois Institute of Technology and its predecessor institutions. These files formerly served as "drop files" where archives staff collected clippings, ephemera, and photographs related to the buildings and campus, and as a result, many of the files consist wholly of secondary material (including photocopies and clippings from university...
Dates: 1895-2013

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  • Subject: Chicago (Ill.) X
  • Subject: Chicago (Ill.) X
  • Subject: Bronzeville (Chicago, Ill.) X

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College buildings 10
Campus planning 7
Aerial photographs 4
Community development, Urban 4
Fund raising 4
∨ more
South Side (Chicago, Ill.) 4
College campuses 3
Universities and colleges--Alumni and alumnae 3
African Americans 2
Apartment houses 2
Architectural drawings (visual works) 2
Architecture--Designs and plans 2
College buildings--Planning 2
Fraternal organizations 2
Greek letter societies 2
Historic buildings 2
Hotels 2
Jazz 2
Oral histories 2
Photographs 2
Serial publications 2
Students--Social life and customs 2
Universities and colleges--Faculty 2
Alumni Memorial Hall (Chicago, Ill.) 1
Architecture 1
Architecture--Drawings 1
Baptists 1
Branding (Marketing) 1
Chicago (Ill.) 1
Civil rights demonstrations 1
Clippings (information artifacts) 1
College buildings--Design and construction 1
College campuses -- Illinois -- Chicago 1
College facilities 1
College students -- Illinois -- Chicago 1
College students--Recruiting 1
Commencement ceremonies 1
Community churches 1
Community organization 1
Competitions 1
Correspondence 1
Design 1
Dormitories 1
Engineering 1
Illinois Institute of Technology -- Faculty 1
Illinois Institute of Technology -- Professional staff 1
Illinois Institute of Technology -- Sports 1
Illinois Institute of Technology. Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps 1
Internet 1
Landscape architecture 1
Lost architecture 1
Maps 1
Natural landscaping 1
Nonprofit organizations--Illinois--Chicago 1
Oshkosh (Wis.) 1
Political participation 1
Printed ephemera 1
Radio stations 1
Real estate development 1
Social settlements 1
Student activities 1
Student publications 1
Sunday schools 1
Synagogues 1
Theaters 1
Tribune Tower (Chicago, Ill.) 1
Universities and colleges--Curricula 1
Universities and colleges--Finance 1
Universities and colleges--Societies, etc. 1
Universities and colleges--Statistics 1
Viaducts 1
World War, 1939-1945 1
World War, 1939-1945 -- War work -- Schools 1
Wrecking 1
∧ less
Illinois Institute of Technology 14
Mecca Apartments (Chicago, Ill.) 6
Armour Research Foundation (U.S.) 3
Gunsaulus Hall (Chicago, Ill.) 3
McCormick Tribune Campus Center (Chicago, Ill.) 3
∨ more
Armour Flats (Chicago, Ill.) 2
Armour Mission (Chicago, Ill.) 2
Carman Hall (Chicago, Ill.) 2
Chicago Land Clearance Commission 2
Commons Building (Chicago, Ill. : South Wabash Avenue) 2
Fowler Hall (Chicago, Ill.) 2
George J. Kacek Hall (Chicago, Ill.) 2
Heald, Henry T. (Henry Townley), 1904-1975 2
Illinois Institute of Technology. Board of Trustees 2
Illinois Institute of Technology. Daniel F. and Ada L. Rice Campus 2
Illinois Institute of Technology. Office of Public Relations 2
Johnson, W. Ronald 2
860-880 Lake Shore Drive (Chicago, Ill.) 1
Alexander and Associates, Inc. 1
Alschuler, Alfred S. (Alfred Samuel), 1876-1940 1
Alumni Memorial Hall (Chicago, Ill.) 1
Armour Institute of Technology 1
Armour, Joseph 1
Armour, Malvina, 1842-1927 1
Armour, Philip D. (Philip Danforth), 1832-1901 1
Arthur Keating Hall (Chicago, Ill.) 1
Beveridge, Julia 1
Binga, Jesse, 1865-1950 1
Blake, Joseph 1
Brandt & Associates 1
Bretz, Harold, Mr. 1
Cable, Theodore 1
Camp Armour (Wis.) 1
Capital Associates 1
Chapin Hall (South Federal Street : Chicago, Ill.) 1
Chicago (Ill.) 1
Chicago-Kent College of Law 1
Coogan, David, Mr. 1
Deakins, Clarence 1
Delta Tau Delta Fraternity 1
Edbrooke and Burnham 1
Estes, Gerald A. 1
Farr Hall (Chicago, Ill.) 1
Freeman, Walter 1
Grand Theater (Chicago, Ill.) 1
Harold, Lucas 1
Hedrich-Blessing (Firm) 1
Hermann Hall (Chicago, Ill.) 1
Hudgins, Deborah 1
Hudgins, Morris Brown 1
IIT Research Institute 1
Illinois Institute of Technology. College of Architecture 1
Illinois Institute of Technology. Institute of Gas Technology 1
Illinois Institute of Technology. Interprofessional Projects Program 1
Illinois Institute of Technology. National Commission for IIT 1
Illinois Institute of Technology. Office of Communications and Marketing 1
Illinois Institute of Technology. Office of External Affairs 1
Illinois Intsitute of Technology. Robert F. Carr Memorial Chapel 1
Jackson, Tanya 1
Jones, Paula 1
Kimball, Norman Frank 1
Lewellyn Studio 1
Lewis Institute 1
Lewis Institute (Chicago, Ill.) 1
Main Building (Chicago, Ill. : South Federal Street) 1
Makielski, John P. 1
Martin, John Bartlow, 1915-1987 1
Materials and Metals Building (Chicago, Ill.) 1
Mead, Mildred 1
Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig, 1886-1969 1
Mochel, Edward V. 1
Paramount Records 1
Paul V. Galvin Library 1
Pearson, Lennart H. 1
Perlstein Hall (Chicago, Ill.) 1
Peter Lindsay Schaudt Landscape Architecture, Inc. 1
Progressive Community Church (Chicago, Ill.) 1
Robert A. Pritzker Science Center (Chicago, Ill.) 1
Rookery Building (Chicago, Ill.) 1
S. R. Crown Hall (Chicago, Ill.) 1
Sengstock, Charles A., Jr. 1
Siskind, Aaron 1
Skidmore, Owings & Merrill 1
Sonoc/Hutter/Lee, Ltd. 1
South Commons (Apartments : Chicago, Ill.) 1
Spaeth, Raymond J. 1
State Street Village (Chicago, Ill.) 1
Thomas R. Brown Hall (Chicago, Ill.) 1
Tolliver, Jerel 1
Tribune Tower (Chicago, Ill.) 1
University Technology Park at Illinois Institute of Technology (Chicago, Ill.) 1
Vendome Theater (State Street : Chicago, Ill.) 1
Weil, F. Peter 1
Williams & Meyer Co. 1
Wishnick Hall (Chicago, Ill.) 1
Wright, Frank Lloyd, 1867-1959 1
Yearby, Gloria 1
∧ less

Paul V. Galvin Library

35 West 33rd Street | Chicago, IL | 60616