Showing Collections: 1 - 10 of 10
Argonne Universities Association collection, 1965-1982
Computation Center collection, 1964
Computer Applications Symposium collection, 1955-1959
Computer Science Accreditation records, 2002
Self-Study Questionnaire For Review of the Computer Science Program, being the report submitted to the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, Inc. (ABET) for the 2002 - 2003 accreditation cycle. Dated July 1, 2002; primary contact, Prof. Edward M. Reingold, chairman of computer science program.
Computer Science Department collection, 1977-2006
1. Computer Science Program info, n.d. 2. "What We Do" Research Program description, 1977 3. News Clips, 1983 4. Annual Review of the Computer Science Department, 1991 5. Computer Science Graduate Program Info, 2006
Computer Science Events collection, 1969
Events hosted by the Department of Computer Science and affiliated centers and initiatives. Currently contains: 1) flyer for lecture on "Nuros-Nebraska University Remote Operating System" given by Dr. Kenneth Smith, Univeristy of Nebraska. 2) Call for Papers for 8th International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic
Current newsletter, 2006
The Current was a publication of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Illinois Institute of Technology (Chicago). Intended audience: faculty, students, alumni, and associates of the department. It includes information about departmental activities and spotlights program faculty and students.
High school summer programs collection, 1959-1984
Pamphlets for academic summer and weekend programs and classes held for high school students on Illinois Institute of Technology's campus.
Peter Lykos papers, 1959-1999
Materials by Peter Lykos, faculty member in the Department of Chemistry at Illinois Institute of Technology, related to the history of computer science curriculum at IIT circa 1959-1999.
Publications collection, 1940-2010
Publication, brochures, fliers, and assorted printed matter produced by Illinois Institute of Technology in connection with academic, administrative, and extracurricular programs and activities.