Showing Collections: 11 - 20 of 20
Galvin Library records, 1939-2004
Galvin Library records, 1983-1995
Two bound notebooks with hand written entries logging the "Description of Problem/Event" handled by Galvin Library computer technicians. Books are titled Larry and Harris, presumably the names of the computers/servers being serviced. Book Larry has 29 pages of entries (1983-1992). Book Harris has only four entries (8 lines total) dated 1992-1995.
Galvin Library records, 1991
Questionnaire distributed by Illinois Tech's Faculty Council and Galvin Library to determine level of use (by faculty and students) and adequacy of the Library's holdings. Collection includes 2 questionnaire cover memos (one to department chairs and one to survey recipients) and survey forms completed by faculty members.
Galvin Library records, 1995
Materials relating to the celebration (Nov. 13, 1995) to mark the 100th birthday of Paul V. Galvin (for who the library is named) and the 10th anniversary of the re-dedication of the building. Collection includes printed invitations, announcements, and posters of the event which included the 1995 Trustee Lecture by Gov. George H. Ryan titled "Illinois and the Information Age."
Galvin Library records, 2003
Four cork coasters, 3.75" square with IIT logo (triangle) incised on it. Reads "Paul V. Galvin Library/Illinois Institute of Technology." Back has felt covering. Artifact. Three labyrinth ribbons (one red and gold, one black and silver, one Blue and gold) designed by Laura Foster Nicholson and Ben Nicholson (design copyright Laura Foster Nicholson, 2002).
John Crerar Library blueprint, 1961
Blueprint Sheet (31" x 47") by Skidmore, Owings & Merrill of first floor (i.e., upper level) plan of The John Crerar Library (later the Paul V. Galvin Library). Job number 5763; drawing number A-2. Scale 1/8" = 1'-0".
Lohan Master Plan and McCormick Tribune Campus Center posters, 2002
Two color posters, (21 x 32") depicting early concept drawings of: 1) Lohan Master Plan with landscaping; 2) McCormick Tribune Campus Center.
Office of Building and Grounds Construction records, 1956-1970
Office files documenting construction of various buildings on the campus of Illinois Institute of Technology. Drawings are generally not included, but the materials frequently include specifications, bids, contracts, financial information, etc.