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Showing Collections: 141 - 150 of 1235

Banners, 1888-1949

Identifier: 000.01.23
Description of the Collection

Two red, white, and blue banners (gold star flags?). One has a large gold star with the number 24 beneath it and a large blue star with the number 2705 beneath it. The other banner has 49 small blue stars and one gold star and read "L" and "P." Banners may relate to Armour Institute of Technology, Lewis Institute, and/or Illinois Institute of Technology.

Dates: 1888-1949

Barry Kostenko papers, 1934-1961

Identifier: 002.05.08
Description of the Collection Materials related to Armour Institute of Technology student Barry Michael Kostenko, primarily documenting his fraternity activity and graduation. The items include: 1934 class photo; grades transcript; diploma; commencement program; baccalaureate service program; Sphinx Roll of Honor certificate; certificate of alumnus member of Pi Delta Epsilon and related materials; photo name tag; Sigma Kappa Delta rushing program; Armour Institute of Technology directory, 1933-34; the Armour Engineer...
Dates: 1934-1961

Baseball, 1952-1960

Identifier: 002.04.12
Description of the Collection

Baseball circa 1952-1960 signed by Sonny Weissman and John Schommer, coach and Director of Athletics at Armour Institute of Technology. The baseball belonged to Eugene Kreml, a 1937 graduate of Armour Institute. Apparently signed for Kreml years later as an alumnus. Baseball could not have been signed by Schommer any later than 1960 as he died in January of that year.

Dates: 1952-1960

BCPScience collection, 2006-2010

Identifier: 003.07.03
Description of the Collection Serial publication BCPScience published by Illinois Institute of Technology Department of Biological, Chemical and Physical Sceinces, containing articles about faculty, research programs, and alumni. 2006 Spring, vol. 1 no. 1, Porter Johnson, Ishaque Khan, Jialing Xiang, Liam Coffey, John Zasadzinski, Thomas Irving, Hyun Soon Chong, Daniel Kaplan, Jialing Xiang , Carlo Segre, Sandra Whaley Bishnoi,...
Dates: 2006-2010

Beatrice Takeuchi papers, 1943-2000

Identifier: 008.01.12
Description of the Collection Materials created by or collected by Beatrice Takeuchi related to her academic program at Institute of Design and her subsequent professional activities as a design educator and creating architectural renderings. Some of the materials were created by others - Takeuchi's fellow students at ID or students she taught at Art Institute of Chicago. While some materials are personal in nature (e.g. correspondence), all relate to ID activities and people. See detailed listing of collection materials...
Dates: 1943-2000

Bell System engineering course records, 1962-1968

Identifier: 004.06.07
Description of the Collection Materials from an academic course apparently taught for Bell System employees, referred to as the Communication Engineering School. Includes a one-paragraph description of course titles Communications Systems and a list of program participants by year, 1963 - 1967. Also transcripts/grade reports for the following program participants/students: William Bert Adams; Bruce C. Anderson; D. R. Coder; Morris Fountain; N. C. Gagon; John C. Goodman; Kenneth J. McIntyre; Don N. Mitchell; Donald J....
Dates: 1962-1968

Benjamin de Brie Taylor papers, 1930-2003

Identifier: 038.01.01
Content Description Papers of Benjamin de Brie Taylor, artist and educator, including correspondence, personal records, professional files, and artwork. Personal correspondence includes letters from family and friends as well as business exchanges. Extensive correspondence with mother Gertrude de Brie and sister Alix contain substantial biographical and family information. Correspondence with mother and father over the 1940s could provide interesting perspectives on war time and postwar Europe- some with...
Dates: Majority of material found within 1930-2003

Bernard P. Taylor papers, 1939-1948

Identifier: 024.04.04
Description of the Collection

Papers of Bernard P. Taylor, the assistant to the Illinois Institute of Technology's first president, Henry T. Heald. Much of the material concerns IIT's early development and fundraising program.

Dates: 1939-1948

Bernard P. Taylor papers, 1944-1946

Identifier: 024.04.05
Description of the Collection

The papers of Bernard P. Taylor who was the assistant to the Illinois Institute of Technology president Henry T. Heald. These materials concern the IIT Alumni Association.

Dates: 1944-1946

Bernard "Sonny" Weissman collection, 1945-1946

Identifier: 038.01.18
Description of the Collection

Three personal letters from Wolfram G. Futterer to Bernard "Sunny" Weissman discussing Futterer's military service and acquaintances.

Dates: 1945-1946

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Serial publications 113
College buildings 68
Universities and colleges--Alumni and alumnae 66
College students 51
Fund raising 48
∨ more
Universities and colleges--Faculty 44
Architectural drawings (visual works) 39
Bronzeville (Chicago, Ill.) 39
Campus planning 36
Student activities 34
College students--Recruiting 33
Special events 28
Greek letter societies 27
Audio-visual materials 23
Commencement ceremonies 23
Awards 20
Education--Illinois--Chicago 20
College campuses 19
College buildings--Planning 18
Newsletters 18
Research 18
Student publications 17
Universities and colleges--Graduate work 17
Engineering 15
Illinois Institute of Technology -- Faculty 15
Mechanical engineering 15
Minutes (Records) 15
Photographs 15
Video recordings 15
World War, 1939-1945 15
Academic-industrial collaboration 14
Architecture 14
Architecture--Designs and plans 14
Chicago (Ill.) 14
Landscape architecture 14
Research, Industrial 14
Universities and colleges--Accreditation 14
Engineering--Research 13
Photography 13
Societies and clubs -- Illinois -- Chicago 13
Universities and colleges--Finance 13
Brochures 12
Civil engineering 12
College buildings--Design and construction 12
Computers 12
Motion pictures 12
Scholarships 12
School enrollment 12
Students--Social life and customs 12
Universities and colleges--Administration 12
Anniversaries 11
Benefactors 11
Chemical engineering 11
Design 11
Dormitories 11
Fraternal organizations 11
Correspondence 10
Electrical engineering 10
Universities and colleges--Curricula 10
College buildings -- Illinois -- Chicago 9
Cultural artifacts 9
Universities and colleges--Societies, etc. 9
Architects -- Illinois -- Chicago 8
Congresses and conventions 8
High schools 8
Illinois Institute of Technology. Institute of Design -- Students 8
Lectures and lecturing 8
Universities and colleges--Employees 8
Academic libraries 7
Architecture -- Illinois -- Chicago 7
Branding (Marketing) 7
College campuses -- Illinois -- Chicago 7
College publications 7
College sports 7
Handbooks and manuals 7
Illinois Institute of Technology -- Alumni and alumnae 7
Illinois Institute of Technology. Institute of Design -- Faculty 7
Marketing 7
Social life and customs 7
Statistics 7
Student financial aid administration 7
Universities and colleges--Planning 7
World War, 1914-1918 7
Aeronautics 6
African American college students 6
College presidents--Inauguration 6
Community development, Urban 6
Computer science 6
Directories 6
Education--Curricula 6
Endowments 6
Fire protection engineering 6
Historic buildings 6
Illinois Institute of Technology. Board of Trustees 6
Jazz 6
Laboratories 6
Modernism (Art) 6
Printed ephemera 6
Programs (Publications) 6
Real estate development 6
∧ less
Illinois Institute of Technology 340
Armour Institute of Technology 63
Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig, 1886-1969 59
Illinois Institute of Technology. College of Architecture 49
Illinois Institute of Technology. Institute of Design 45
∨ more
Armour Research Foundation (U.S.) 37
S. R. Crown Hall (Chicago, Ill.) 36
McCormick Tribune Campus Center (Chicago, Ill.) 32
Collens, Lewis M. 26
IIT Research Institute 25
Illinois Institute of Technology. Office of Communications and Marketing 23
Illinois Institute of Technology. Office of Institutional Advancement 21
Illinois Institute of Technology. Board of Trustees 20
Paul V. Galvin Library 20
Heald, Henry T. (Henry Townley), 1904-1975 16
Illinois Institute of Technology. Institute of Gas Technology 16
Illinois Institute of Technology. Mies van der Rohe Society 16
Illinois Institute of Technology. Office of Public Relations 16
Moholy-Nagy, László, 1895-1946 16
Rettaliata, John T., Dr. 16
Armour College of Engineering 15
Illinois Institute of Technology. Daniel F. and Ada L. Rice Campus 15
Gunsaulus, Frank W. (Frank Wakeley), 1856-1921 14
Lewis Institute (Chicago, Ill.) 14
Lohan, Dirk 14
Illinois Institute of Technology. Office of Development 13
Illinois Institute of Technology. Office of Marketing and Communications 13
Koolhaas, Rem 13
Martin, Thomas Lyle 12
Chicago-Kent College of Law 11
Guralnick, Sidney A. 11
Hermann Hall (Chicago, Ill.) 11
Illinois Institute of Technology. Institute of Psychology 11
Illinois Institute of Technology. Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps 11
Illinois Institute of Technology. Office of Alumni Relations 11
Illinois Institute of Technology. Office of the Registrar 11
Lewis Institute 11
Stuart School of Business 11
Bauhaus 10
Galvin, Robert W. 10
Illinois Institute of Technology. Graduate College 10
New Bauhaus (Chicago, Ill.) 10
Camras, Marvin 9
Illinois Institute of Technology. Department of Mechanical, Materials and Aerospace Engineering 9
Main Building (Chicago, Ill. : South Federal Street) 9
Pritzker, Robert A. (Robert Alan), 1926-2011 9
Richard H. Driehaus Foundation International Design Competition 9
Alumni Memorial Hall (Chicago, Ill.) 8
Danforth, George 8
Illinois Institute of Technology. Department of Humanities 8
Illinois Institute of Technology. IITV 8
Illinois Institute of Technology. Office of Facilities Management 8
Illinois Institute of Technology. Office of the Provost 8
Illinois Institute of Technology. University Faculty Council 8
Illinois Intsitute of Technology. Robert F. Carr Memorial Chapel 8
Siskind, Aaron 8
State Street Village (Chicago, Ill.) 8
Caldwell, Alfred, 1903-1998 7
Camp Armour (Wis.) 7
Illinois Institute of Technology. Lewis College of Science and Letters 7
Jahn, Helmut, 1940- 7
John Crerar Library 7
Mecca Apartments (Chicago, Ill.) 7
Anderson, John L. 6
Armour Mission (Chicago, Ill.) 6
Armour, Philip D. (Philip Danforth), 1832-1901 6
Beveridge, Julia 6
Doblin, Jay 6
Hayakawa, S. I. (Samuel Ichiyé), 1906-1992 6
Hilberseimer, Ludwig 6
Illinois Institute of Technology. School of Applied Technology 6
Kepes, Gyorgy, 1906-2001 6
National Center for Food Safety and Technology 6
Perlstein Hall (Chicago, Ill.) 6
Schaudt, Peter Lindsay 6
Spaeth, Raymond J. 6
University Technology Park at Illinois Institute of Technology (Chicago, Ill.) 6
Wishnick Hall (Chicago, Ill.) 6
Armour Flats (Chicago, Ill.) 5
Boder, David P. (David Pablo), 1886-1961 5
Bronzeville (Chicago, Ill.) 5
Chicago School of Design 5
Commons Building (Chicago, Ill. : South Wabash Avenue) 5
Ellington, Duke, 1899-1974 5
Fowler Hall (Chicago, Ill.) 5
Illinois Institute of Technology. Department of Physics 5
Illinois Institute of Technology. Department of Psychology 5
Illinois Institute of Technology. IIT Online 5
Illinois Institute of Technology. Interprofessional Projects Program 5
Illinois Institute of Technology. Office of Radio and Television 5
Robertson, Donna 5
Skidmore, Owings & Merrill 5
Summers, Gene R. 5
Tau Beta Pi 5
United States. Army. Reserve Officers' Training Corps 5
Wasan, D. T. 5
Baker, David 4
Brophy, James John, 1926- 4
Callahan, Harry M. 4
Center for the Study of Ethics in the Professions (U.S.) 4
∧ less

Paul V. Galvin Library

35 West 33rd Street | Chicago, IL | 60616