Showing Collections: 11 - 20 of 20
National Society of Black Engineers/Essence Awards poster, 2001
National Society of Black Engineers NSBE/Essence Awards poster.
Office of Development collection, 1989-1998
Five video tapes including campus promotional films, clips of news coverage on local network TV newscasts, and interviews with three students (Erika, Elena Zukowskis, and Amanda Porter) who received the Piper Scholarship, and one on the Stuart School.
Office of Development Photograph Files collection, 1996-2000
Peter Lindsay Schaudt Landscape collection, 1999
President's Office events collection, 1972-2010
Folder 1: Three programs and schedules for University Day and The President's Reception held: Sunday, August 27, 1972 Sunday, August 26, 1973 Sunday, August 24, 1975 Folder 2: materials from IIT hosting of 2010 National Academy of Engineering (NAE) Grand Challenges Program, held 2010
Sidney A. Guralnick awards, 2007
Miscellaneous materials related the Sidney A. Guralnick Awards, given by the Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering.
Staff Awards collection, 1973-2008
Programs for various award dinners and ceremonies for staff members of IIT. Contains the following: FOLDER 1: Staff Service Awards, 1982, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1994, 1996, 2003 FOLDER 2: Christmas Award Luncheon, 1969, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1980 FOLDER 3: Quality Service Training Program completion, 1995
Stuart School of Business Awards and Commemorations collection, 2008
1. Illinois Executive of the Year Luncheon, honoring Terrence A Duffy, 2008
Tribute 2 Bob
Video titled Tribute 2 Bob created by Illinois Institute of Technology to honor trustees Robert Galvin and Robert Pritzker for their sponsorship of the major matching grant/fund-raising effort for the university. Produced for and shown at the IIT 2002 Hall of Fame program (May 17, 2002). Producer: Rich Goodman/Post Effects. 13:45 minutes.