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Showing Collections: 41 - 50 of 100

Institute of Design site photographs, 2000

Identifier: 008.10.02
Description of the Collection Five 8½ x 11" color laser images (made from 35mm Kodachrome slides) of Chicago architecture and markers related to Laszlo Moholy-Nagy and the Institute of Design. The photos were taken in October 2000 by Hattula Moholy-Nagy. The images include: 247 E. Ontario St. building, which held the School of Design from 1939-1945. The school was located on the second floor. 632 N....
Dates: 2000

Institutional chronologies collection, 1963-1993

Identifier: 039.01.67
Description of the Collection Six typed chronologies containing timelines of institutional histories of Armour Institute of Technology (1892 - 1940), Lewis Institute (1896-1940) and Illinois Institute of Technology (1940 - present). Each covers a different time range and each was apparently compiled from different sources, though much of the information is repeated and consistent from one chronology to the next. While many of the events concerning IIT and its predecessors and affiliates listed in these...
Dates: 1963-1993

John Grimes photograph, 1999

Identifier: 008.01.19
Description of the Collection

Color photograph (6¾ x 9¼") of the former Institute of Design building located at LaSalle and Kinzie Streets, Chicago, taken in 1999 by John Grimes using a digital camera and printed on an ink jet printer. The photograph is signed and dated on back.

Dates: 1999

John P. Makielski papers, 1940-1950

Identifier: 038.01.41
Description of the Collection

Various printed materials from John Makielski, who served as Assistant to John Rettaliata and as Registrar. The materials relate to the development of the Illinois Institute of Technology campus including booklets, reprints, photographs, and campus plan images documenting concepts of an emerging campus.

Dates: 1940-1950

John T. Rettaliata Office Files,1955-1973

Identifier: 024.05.05
Description of the Collection

Believed to be the office files of Illinois Institute of Technology President John T. Rettaliata.

Dates: 1955-1973

John T. Rettaliata papers,1954-1973

Identifier: 024.05.03
Description of the Collection Mostly typescripts of speeches by John T. Rettaliata during his presidency at Illinois Institute of Technology (Chicago), on campus and external. Small amount of biographical materials - cirriculum vita, press releases, news clippings, etc. including 1947 press release concerning civilian service to U. S. Navy during WWII. Also, his handling of students protests campus sit-in following the Kent State shootings, Rettaliata's 20th anniversary as president and his resignation. One headshot...
Dates: 1954-1973

Kaplan Institute records, 2017

Identifier: 037.02.63
Content Description

19 Digital photographs of Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel with Kaplan Institute architect and Illinois Tech faculty member John Ronan and other Illinois Tech administrators and staff, taken during the construction of the Kaplan Institute. Illinois Tech staff in the photos includes Jess Goode, Colette Porter, and Jimmy Akintonde.

Dates: 2017-08-29

L. R. Wilcox slides, 1938-1988

Identifier: 037.02.58
Description of the Collection This collection includes a slide program consisting of 58 slides and accompanying text. The program is entitled The Development of Illinois Institute of Technology Since its Formation in 1940 by L. R. Wilcox. The program was produced in 1977 and revised in 1988. The slide images date ca. 1938-1977. It primarily concerns buildings and locations on campus, lesser information on Professor S. I. Hayakawa's preservation effort for the Grand Theater and jazz lectures, and faculty development under...
Dates: 1938-1988

Lewis Collens photos, 1995

Identifier: 024.10.05
Description of the Collection

Two 8" x 10" photographs. The first, in black and white, shows Collens at a sporting event holding a baseball, wearing a baseball cap, and posing with "Downtown Julie Brown" from MTV'S video jockey (MTV-VJ). The second, in color, shows Collens in an open field, hard hat in hand, standing next to a Komatsu crane/shovel.

Dates: 1995

Lohan Master Plan collection, 1996-2003

Identifier: 037.02.10
Description of the Collection

Office files from Mies van der Rohe Society related to the Lohan Master Plan and related activities.

Dates: 1996-2003

Filtered By

  • Subject: College buildings X
  • Subject: College buildings X
  • Subject: College buildings X

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College buildings 68
Architectural drawings (visual works) 19
College buildings--Planning 18
Campus planning 17
Bronzeville (Chicago, Ill.) 12
∨ more
College buildings--Design and construction 12
College campuses 12
College buildings -- Illinois -- Chicago 9
Architecture--Designs and plans 8
Landscape architecture 8
Dormitories 7
Audio-visual materials 6
Fund raising 6
Universities and colleges--Faculty 6
Serial publications 5
Real estate development 4
College facilities 3
College students--Political activity 3
Commencement ceremonies 3
Fraternal organizations 3
Letting of contracts 3
Minutes (Records) 3
Photographs 3
Architecture 2
Awards 2
Blueprints 2
Church architecture 2
College campuses -- Illinois -- Chicago 2
Correspondence 2
Crystal Lake (Ill.) 2
Design 2
Fire protection engineering 2
Historic buildings 2
Illinois Institute of Technology -- Students 2
Motion pictures 2
Natural landscaping 2
Real property--Maps 2
Speeches, addresses, etc., American 2
Universities and colleges--Alumni and alumnae 2
Video recordings 2
Academic libraries 1
Aerial photographs 1
African American college students 1
Alumni Memorial Hall (Chicago, Ill.) 1
Anniversaries 1
Apartments 1
Architectural models 1
Architecture -- Competitions 1
Armed Forces--Equipment 1
Baseball 1
Branding (Marketing) 1
Building materials 1
Campus planning -- Illinois -- Chicago 1
Class reunions 1
Clippings (information artifacts) 1
Cogeneration of electric power and heat 1
College presidents--Inauguration 1
College students 1
College students--Recruiting 1
College trustees 1
Competitions 1
Computer programs 1
Computer-aided design 1
Congresses and conventions 1
Design and construction 1
Disabled veterans--Rehabilitation 1
Engineering--Research 1
Exelon Tube 1
Financial statements 1
Greek letter societies 1
Guidebooks 1
Historic districts 1
Historic sites 1
Historic sites -- Illinois -- Chicago 1
Home economics--Study and teaching 1
Illinois Institute of Technology -- Administration 1
Illinois Institute of Technology -- Alumni and alumnae 1
Illinois Institute of Technology -- Faculty 1
Illinois Institute of Technology -- History 1
Illinois Institute of Technology -- Sports 1
Illinois Institute of Technology. Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps 1
Interior architecture 1
Interior decoration 1
Internet 1
Labor unions 1
Laboratories 1
Lectures and lecturing 1
Maps 1
Materials 1
Minorities--Education (Higher) 1
Minority college students 1
Musicians 1
Newsletters 1
Oral histories 1
Press releases 1
Programs (Publications) 1
Public housing 1
Radio broadcasting--United States--History 1
Railroads, Elevated 1
Satire 1
∧ less
Illinois Institute of Technology 30
McCormick Tribune Campus Center (Chicago, Ill.) 16
Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig, 1886-1969 12
S. R. Crown Hall (Chicago, Ill.) 12
Lohan, Dirk 8
∨ more
Alumni Memorial Hall (Chicago, Ill.) 7
Armour Research Foundation (U.S.) 7
Hermann Hall (Chicago, Ill.) 7
Armour Institute of Technology 6
Koolhaas, Rem 6
Perlstein Hall (Chicago, Ill.) 6
State Street Village (Chicago, Ill.) 6
Commons Building (Chicago, Ill. : South Wabash Avenue) 5
Fowler Hall (Chicago, Ill.) 5
Illinois Institute of Technology. Office of Facilities Management 5
Wishnick Hall (Chicago, Ill.) 5
IIT Research Institute 4
Illinois Institute of Technology. Board of Trustees 4
Illinois Institute of Technology. Institute of Design 4
Illinois Institute of Technology. Institute of Gas Technology 4
Illinois Institute of Technology. Mies van der Rohe Society 4
Illinois Institute of Technology. Office of Public Relations 4
Illinois Intsitute of Technology. Robert F. Carr Memorial Chapel 4
Richard H. Driehaus Foundation International Design Competition 4
Schaudt, Peter Lindsay 4
University Technology Park at Illinois Institute of Technology (Chicago, Ill.) 4
Alschuler, Alfred S. (Alfred Samuel), 1876-1940 3
Armour Mission (Chicago, Ill.) 3
Camp Armour (Wis.) 3
Carman Hall (Chicago, Ill.) 3
Chapin Hall (South Federal Street : Chicago, Ill.) 3
Collens, Lewis M. 3
George J. Kacek Hall (Chicago, Ill.) 3
Gunsaulus Hall (Chicago, Ill.) 3
Illinois Institute of Technology. Daniel F. and Ada L. Rice Campus 3
Jahn, Helmut, 1940- 3
Lewis Institute (Chicago, Ill.) 3
Main Building (Chicago, Ill. : South Federal Street) 3
Materials and Metals Building (Chicago, Ill.) 3
Paul V. Galvin Library 3
Armour, Philip D. (Philip Danforth), 1832-1901 2
Arthur Keating Hall (Chicago, Ill.) 2
Bronzeville (Chicago, Ill.) 2
Caldwell, Alfred, 1903-1998 2
Chicago-Kent College of Law 2
Farr Hall (Chicago, Ill.) 2
Hoerr Schaudt Landscape Architects (Chicago, Ill.) 2
Illinois Institute of Technology. College of Architecture 2
Illinois Institute of Technology. Office of Communications and Marketing 2
Illinois Institute of Technology. Office of Marketing and Communications 2
John Crerar Library 2
Lewis Institute 2
Navy V-12 Program (U.S.) 2
Parduhn, Walter J. 2
Perkins & Will 2
Rettaliata, John T., Dr. 2
Robert A. Pritzker Science Center (Chicago, Ill.) 2
Seigel Hall (Chicago, Ill.) 2
Skidmore, Owings & Merrill 2
Spaeth, Raymond J. 2
Stamets, John 2
Thomas R. Brown Hall (Chicago, Ill.) 2
2x4 (Design studio) 1
Achilles, Rolf 1
American Power Conference 1
Anderson, Harvey E. 1
Armour College of Engineering 1
Armour Flats (Chicago, Ill.) 1
Armour, J. Ogden (Jonathan Ogden), 1863-1927 1
Barnes, Richard 1
Bretz, Harold, Mr. 1
Brophy, James John, 1926- 1
Cable, Theodore 1
Camras, Marvin 1
Chicago Housing Authority 1
Chicago Transit Authority 1
Cobb, Henry Ives, Jr., 1883-1974 1
Dawson, Mary 1
Deakins, Clarence 1
Doblin, Jay 1
Ed Kaplan Family Institute For Innovation and Tech Entrepreneurship 1
Emanuel, Rahm, 1959- 1
Farrell, Charles 1
Force, Gilbert 1
Galvin, Robert W. 1
Gilbane Building Company 1
Graham, Lois, 1925-2013 1
Greenwald, Bennett 1
Greenwald, Herbert S., 1915-1959 1
Grimes, John, Mr. 1
Grubiak, Margaret M. 1
Gunsaulus, Frank W. (Frank Wakeley), 1856-1921 1
Guralnick, Sidney A. 1
Hales, Crispin, 1945- 1
Hayakawa, S. I. (Samuel Ichiyé), 1906-1992 1
Heald, Henry T. (Henry Townley), 1904-1975 1
IIT Research Institute Chemistry Research Building (Chicago, Ill.) 1
IIT Technology Business Center (Chicago, Ill.) 1
Illinois Historic Preservation Agency 1
Illinois Institute of Technology. Campus Architectural and Recognition Review Committee 1
∧ less

Paul V. Galvin Library

35 West 33rd Street | Chicago, IL | 60616